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Spomenik Monument Database

Tekijä: Donald Niebyl

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
544483,973 (4.6)3
The first ever spomenik guidebook, with over 75 examples alongside map references and information on why they exist and who built them. Spomenik' the Serbo-Croat/Slovenian word for 'monument' - refers to a series of memorials built in Tito's Republic of Yugoslavia from the 1960s-1990s, marking the horror of the occupation and the defeat of Axis forces during World War II. Hundreds were built across the country, from coastal resorts to remote mountains. Through these imaginative forms of concrete and steel, a classless, forward-looking, socialist society, free of ethnic tensions, was envisaged. Instead of looking to the ideologically aligned Soviet Union for artistic inspiration, Tito turned to the west and works of abstract expressionism and minimalism. As a result, Yugoslavia was able to develop its own distinct identity through these brutal monuments, which were used as political tools to articulate Tito's personal vision of a new tomorrow. Today, following the breakup of the country and the subsequent Yugoslav Wars of the 1990s, some have been destroyed or abandoned. Many have suffered the consequences of ethnic tensions - once viewed as symbols of hope they are now the focus of resentment and anger. This book brings together the largest collection of spomeniks published to date. Each has been extensively photographed and researched by the author, to make this book the most comprehensive survey of this obscure and fascinating architectural phenomenon. A fold-out map on the reverse of the dust jacket shows the exact location of each spomenik using GPS coordinates.… (lisätietoja)

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First off, I have to admit that I had forgotten that the author of this work had a webpage (still active), dealing with the Yugoslavian program of monuments dedicated to the role of the Communist partisans in World War II. Secondly, I also have to admit that I was expecting more of a coffee-table art book than the sort of guide that you could carry around with you on a tour. Having said that I found this work to be very useful, in that it strips some of the mystique away from these objects (perhaps a bad thing), and examines how their radical abstract flavor was an alternative to Soviet "Socialist Realism," their use basically as altars in acts of public remembrance, and how they became targets for destruction during the collapse of the Yugoslav State. Perhaps the biggest irony is how they've become icons of public art and world cultural monuments, perhaps to the discomfort of local politicians, who while probably appreciating the money of foreign tourists, now find themselves confronted with the maintenance of admitted "white elephants!" ( )
  Shrike58 | Sep 11, 2023 |
travel, sculpture
  boubouni | Dec 3, 2021 |
Spomenik Monument Database biedt een overzicht in woord en beeld van de spomeniks van voormalig Joegoslavië. Spomeniks zijn de massieve maf gevormde monumenten uit socialistische tijden. Per spomenik worden de geschiedenis, ontwerp en bouw en huidige staat beschreven. Elke spomenik vertelt een verhaal over verleden – en soms heden – van de landen die Joegoslavië vormden.
Lees meer op mijn blog: https://oostblog.info/2020/05/22/spomenik-monument-database-donald-niebyl/ ( )
  funkturm1969 | May 22, 2020 |
$2000 mxn
näyttää 4/4
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The first ever spomenik guidebook, with over 75 examples alongside map references and information on why they exist and who built them. Spomenik' the Serbo-Croat/Slovenian word for 'monument' - refers to a series of memorials built in Tito's Republic of Yugoslavia from the 1960s-1990s, marking the horror of the occupation and the defeat of Axis forces during World War II. Hundreds were built across the country, from coastal resorts to remote mountains. Through these imaginative forms of concrete and steel, a classless, forward-looking, socialist society, free of ethnic tensions, was envisaged. Instead of looking to the ideologically aligned Soviet Union for artistic inspiration, Tito turned to the west and works of abstract expressionism and minimalism. As a result, Yugoslavia was able to develop its own distinct identity through these brutal monuments, which were used as political tools to articulate Tito's personal vision of a new tomorrow. Today, following the breakup of the country and the subsequent Yugoslav Wars of the 1990s, some have been destroyed or abandoned. Many have suffered the consequences of ethnic tensions - once viewed as symbols of hope they are now the focus of resentment and anger. This book brings together the largest collection of spomeniks published to date. Each has been extensively photographed and researched by the author, to make this book the most comprehensive survey of this obscure and fascinating architectural phenomenon. A fold-out map on the reverse of the dust jacket shows the exact location of each spomenik using GPS coordinates.

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