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Mallko & Dad

Tekijä: Gusti

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
352707,062 (4.17)-
"A father, Gusti, expounds upon life with his son Mallko, who has Down syndrome"--

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näyttää 2/2
Gusti gives a raw and authentic description of what Down syndrome is to him. His son was born with Down syndrome, and it took a lot for him to overcome the news and accept him. It's beautiful to read his story of how he grew tremendously as a father and realize his son needs what every child needs: love. He tells his story through his own perspective, interview of his wife, the perspective of his older son, and through detailed drawings. I would love to sit down with Gusti and talk about each part of this story. What was your intention with each drawing or mini dialogue. This is the most creative book, and I just know there is a much longer story that goes beyond this book. Gusti shares about the realities of Down syndrome- what it is, what it isn't, and what it is like to be the dad of a child with it. I'm all in. ( )
  cblanco | Feb 26, 2020 |
This is a very honest touching story of a father who had difficulty accepting his son Mallko's disability. He compared this challenge to that of his drawing that he could just reject and throw away. I thought this was really awful at first until I read the story and how he grew to accept his son with down syndrome through how his wife and older son related to and loved Mallko. I thought this was a real great story that took honesty and courage to tell. I thought the illustrations were good but since this was such a serious topic I just don't think the illustrations did the story justice. I thought they were great but made light of the story. ( )
  saylore | Feb 19, 2020 |
näyttää 2/2
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"A father, Gusti, expounds upon life with his son Mallko, who has Down syndrome"--

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3 1
3.5 1
4 4
5 3

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