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A Literary Offense (2018)

Tekijä: Elizabeth Penney

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1611,316,072 (4.13)-
It's Gatsby Week at Castleton Manor, the elegant retreat for booklovers in Lighthouse Bay, Massachusetts, and the roaring twenties are in full swing. Charlotte Jaxon, owner of the manor, arrives to put on the ritz and oversee the festivities celebrating the work of F. Scott Fitzgerald. Faith Newberry is sitting pretty when she receives a brief respite from her duties in the library to assist Charlotte in organizing the events that have everyone jazzed up, including a fashion show, an antique car race, and a Gatsby Ball. But then something happens that's not on the agenda: one of the guests starts receiving threatening letters. Avis Roth is a powerful-and ruthless-literary agent, so everyone around her quickly dismisses the intimidating letters, assuming they're from an author who was in a lather over being rejected. When Avis is involved in a frightening incident at the manor and then a freakish mishap at the country club, the plot thickens. Were they merely accidents, or is someone determined to put the big cheese agent out of commission? As Faith and her fellow Candle House Book Club members search for clues, they discover that not many people consider Avis to be the bee's knees. She and her associates are rarely on the same page, and some have a serious beef with her. It's past time to deliver the goods on the perpetrator, but will Faith-aided by her clever tuxedo cat, Watson-determine who's on the level and who's feeding her a line? Or will the culprit avoid getting caught and remain on the lam?… (lisätietoja)

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I would put this closer to 3.5 stars than 3 stars--rating shown may differ depending on whether site allows half star ratings. A friend (CC) sent me the first 10 books from this series after she'd read them. This is the last one I have from this series. I'll miss Watson but I think I'm ready to take a bit of a break from Castleton manner. I didn't like this book as much as I did others from the series. I'm kind of sad to end this part of the series on a lower note.

I did read "The Great Gatsby" for English class but it was years ago. I'm sure I didn't catch all the references.

So . . . if Faith was drafted as Charlotte Jaxon's assistant, who manned the library? In most books of the series, guests are in and out of the library wanting books to read or reference books.

I've heard the publishing world is cutthroat, but I kind of feel like Avis took that to the extreme. ( )
  JenniferRobb | Sep 5, 2022 |
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


It's Gatsby Week at Castleton Manor, the elegant retreat for booklovers in Lighthouse Bay, Massachusetts, and the roaring twenties are in full swing. Charlotte Jaxon, owner of the manor, arrives to put on the ritz and oversee the festivities celebrating the work of F. Scott Fitzgerald. Faith Newberry is sitting pretty when she receives a brief respite from her duties in the library to assist Charlotte in organizing the events that have everyone jazzed up, including a fashion show, an antique car race, and a Gatsby Ball. But then something happens that's not on the agenda: one of the guests starts receiving threatening letters. Avis Roth is a powerful-and ruthless-literary agent, so everyone around her quickly dismisses the intimidating letters, assuming they're from an author who was in a lather over being rejected. When Avis is involved in a frightening incident at the manor and then a freakish mishap at the country club, the plot thickens. Were they merely accidents, or is someone determined to put the big cheese agent out of commission? As Faith and her fellow Candle House Book Club members search for clues, they discover that not many people consider Avis to be the bee's knees. She and her associates are rarely on the same page, and some have a serious beef with her. It's past time to deliver the goods on the perpetrator, but will Faith-aided by her clever tuxedo cat, Watson-determine who's on the level and who's feeding her a line? Or will the culprit avoid getting caught and remain on the lam?

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Keskiarvo: (4.13)
3 1
3.5 1
5 2

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