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Shetland: Cooking on the Edge of the World

Tekijä: James Morton

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1811,202,773 (3)4
SHETLAND is where Scotland meets Scandinavia and the North Sea hits the Atlantic Ocean. Isolated, unspoilt and rich in history and tradition, Shetland is a truly singular place. And for James and Tom Morton, it's home. Shetland: Cooking on the Edge of the World explores life on an island with food, drink and community at its heart. Surrounded by crystal-clear waters, Shetland seafood is second to none. The native sheep roam freely. Here cooks, farmers, crofters and fishermen toil following traditions that go back hundreds of years. This is a heartfelt book, full of passion for place and community. The recipes celebrate the very best the isles have to offer, feasting on the ocean's harvest and the treasures of croft land and cliff face. There is cooking fuelled by necessity and thrift and, as you might expect on Scotland's Norse edge, there are drams and parties galore. With spectacular photography by Andy Sewell, Shetland celebrates a very different kind of island paradise.… (lisätietoja)

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Ann Cleeves' series featuring Jimmy Perez brought Shetland to my attention. I knew it existed, but I didn't realize just how far north it was until I read the series. James and Tom Morton, long-time residents, showcase the island's native cuisine. As expected, many recipes feature seafood--and smoking them seems to be popular. I think I would probably starve if I needed to eat the foods showcased in the book. Besides recipes, the authors discuss life on the islands. I enjoyed those discourses more than the recipes. I'm not sorry I purchased the ebook, but I won't use it much for cooking. ( )
  thornton37814 | Sep 17, 2022 |
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SHETLAND is where Scotland meets Scandinavia and the North Sea hits the Atlantic Ocean. Isolated, unspoilt and rich in history and tradition, Shetland is a truly singular place. And for James and Tom Morton, it's home. Shetland: Cooking on the Edge of the World explores life on an island with food, drink and community at its heart. Surrounded by crystal-clear waters, Shetland seafood is second to none. The native sheep roam freely. Here cooks, farmers, crofters and fishermen toil following traditions that go back hundreds of years. This is a heartfelt book, full of passion for place and community. The recipes celebrate the very best the isles have to offer, feasting on the ocean's harvest and the treasures of croft land and cliff face. There is cooking fuelled by necessity and thrift and, as you might expect on Scotland's Norse edge, there are drams and parties galore. With spectacular photography by Andy Sewell, Shetland celebrates a very different kind of island paradise.

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