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George Washington's Liberty Key: Mount Vernon's Bastille Key – the Mystery and Magic of Its Body, Mind, and Soul

Tekijä: William J. Bahr

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1021,858,591 (5)-
Definitely the Key Book about George Washington! This is the amazing story of how George Washington came by his Key "of" Liberty...and his wise counsel on the Key "to" Liberty that has made America great. The book links Mount Vernon's Bastille Key (and its tortuous travels through bloody, revolutionary France) to George Washington's character and his advice on the three key, crucial, and indispensable conditions for freedom to survive and thrive: "Character, Culture, Constitution." Specifically, this new book shines a bright light on the most interesting key ever made - America's premier symbol of liberty's victory over tyranny - which now hangs in the central passageway of George Washington's Mount Vernon mansion, helping to greet over a million visitors a year. The main key to the Bastille prison in Paris, it was given in 1790 to Washington, the patriarch of liberty, by his missionary, the Marquis de Lafayette, who took the "sacred fire of liberty" he discovered in America and tried to fan its flames in France. Become a history detective and uncover how this unique key was made, how the man who made it helped kill a king, and how it made its way to Mount Vernon. Along the way, experience the fascinating twists and turns made in unlocking the doors hiding the truth about the key, which some (incorrectly) argue is a counterfeit. Then distill what Washington and Lafayette each believed was the "key" to establishing and maintaining liberty, and what went right and wrong in their respective revolutions. Finally, learn how the key continues to inspire a worldwide devotion to freedom - with Washington's personal challenge to you.***** Author Bill Bahr brings to life FerrousTM the key and his improbable journey from the iron foundries of 18th century France to a Bastille prison gate and finally to the entrance hall of George Washington's home, Mount Vernon. FerrousTM once represented tyranny and oppression - synonymous with the fate of a prisoner condemned without trial or hope. Now FerrousTM stands for the idea of liberty, so cherished by George Washington - in his own words - "a token of victory gained by Liberty over Despotism." What a remarkable transformation!***** Version 1.12 July 2018… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
Much more than just the story of a key...
This book delves into history from quite a different perspective. The story is told by a key - specifically, the key to the Bastille which Lafayette presented to George Washington during the French Revolution. The key (called Ferrous) definitely has a sense of humor and he loves to make puns. Through his story we learn about the relationship between France and the US during both their Revolutions and the personal relationship between Lafayette and Washington. It’s evident that the author has put in a lot of time doing the research for this fascinating book. ( )
1 ääni Margo.Lestz | Jul 21, 2019 |
Great book about how character (individual and national) plays a "key" role in getting and keeping freedom! ( )
1 ääni Joe_Peters | Jan 24, 2019 |
näyttää 2/2
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Definitely the Key Book about George Washington! This is the amazing story of how George Washington came by his Key "of" Liberty...and his wise counsel on the Key "to" Liberty that has made America great. The book links Mount Vernon's Bastille Key (and its tortuous travels through bloody, revolutionary France) to George Washington's character and his advice on the three key, crucial, and indispensable conditions for freedom to survive and thrive: "Character, Culture, Constitution." Specifically, this new book shines a bright light on the most interesting key ever made - America's premier symbol of liberty's victory over tyranny - which now hangs in the central passageway of George Washington's Mount Vernon mansion, helping to greet over a million visitors a year. The main key to the Bastille prison in Paris, it was given in 1790 to Washington, the patriarch of liberty, by his missionary, the Marquis de Lafayette, who took the "sacred fire of liberty" he discovered in America and tried to fan its flames in France. Become a history detective and uncover how this unique key was made, how the man who made it helped kill a king, and how it made its way to Mount Vernon. Along the way, experience the fascinating twists and turns made in unlocking the doors hiding the truth about the key, which some (incorrectly) argue is a counterfeit. Then distill what Washington and Lafayette each believed was the "key" to establishing and maintaining liberty, and what went right and wrong in their respective revolutions. Finally, learn how the key continues to inspire a worldwide devotion to freedom - with Washington's personal challenge to you.***** Author Bill Bahr brings to life FerrousTM the key and his improbable journey from the iron foundries of 18th century France to a Bastille prison gate and finally to the entrance hall of George Washington's home, Mount Vernon. FerrousTM once represented tyranny and oppression - synonymous with the fate of a prisoner condemned without trial or hope. Now FerrousTM stands for the idea of liberty, so cherished by George Washington - in his own words - "a token of victory gained by Liberty over Despotism." What a remarkable transformation!***** Version 1.12 July 2018

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