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Christmas Witch List

Tekijä: Colleen Cross

Sarjat: Westwick Witches (4)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
742,417,647 (4.08)-
Eat, Drink, and Be Poisoned... Cendrine West is looking forward to a cozy Christmas Eve dinner when a blizzard blows in, bringing with it a flurry of unexpected guests. But tipsy witches and mischievous magic spell a recipe for disaster, especially when a guest turns up dead. Cen's sleuthing exposes a Santa-sized sack of trouble and everyone's a suspect, even her hunky sheriff boyfriend. Is it a deadly accident by a drunken witch?or something more sinister? Murder is on the menu and only magic can uncover the truth in this witchy, wacky, Yuletide thrill ride! The Westwick Witches cozy mysteries are for fans of fun, cozy mystery books with a paranormal twist! If you haven't already read the first 3 books in the series, Witch You Well, Rags to Witches, and Witch and Famous, get them now in a specially priced Westwick Witches Magical Mystery box set. "Five stars for my favorite combo of magic, mistletoe, and murder!" "...A bewitching, supernatural treat. If you love witch cozy mysteries you'll love Cendrine West and her wacky witch family!" "...One of the best paranormal mystery books I've read in awhile. An imaginative detective mystery that combines the best mysteries of an Agatha Christie whodunit novel with a Harry Potter fantasy book, this is magic for grown-ups!"  Witch cozy mysteries are for fans of fun, cozy mystery books with a paranormal twist! The Westwick Cozy Mysteries series, in order: Witch You Well Rags to Witches Witch and Famous Christmas Witch List From the author: Westwick Corners isn't your typical small town. Or even a normal ghost town. It's where people go not to be found, and witches go to work their magic without attracting too much attention. The combination makes from some interesting and humorous mysteries, and the witches are always at the center of the action! Ruby's cooking, Cendrine's amateur sleuth and investigator activities, and Aunt Pearl's magic school are always looking for that one secret ingredient that will propel the witches to fame and fortune and put the small town of Westwick Corners back on the map again. The witches are forever cooking up new business opportunities like The Westwick Corners Inn, The Witching Post Bar and Grill, and of course, Pearl's Charm School, where witches go to unravel riddles, spin magic spells, and create their own witch mysteries. Too bad they are forever getting distracted because there are always strange things happening in Westwick Corners, from petty crime to murder. The West family has always been in Westwick Corners and always will be. They descend from a long line of witches who have inhabited Westwick Corners from the beginning. Witches who unlock mysteries, solve crime, and help those in need. They are collectively a kind of a witch of all trades, because pitching in--or is it witching in-- is what you do in a small town. Everyone helps out. Even Grandma Vi the ghost investigates and sleuths. But when everyone pulls together, it's not always in the same direction!  If you like a good puzzle, a good laugh, and a good witch mystery series, you'll love these cozy mystery books!  Available in audio, ebook and paperback.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 4/4
Synopsis: 'Cendrine West is looking forward to a cozy Christmas Eve dinner when a blizzard blows in, bringing with it a flurry of unexpected guests. But tipsy witches and mischievous magic spell a recipe for disaster, especially when a guest turns up dead. Cen’s sleuthing exposes a Santa-sized sack of trouble and everyone’s a suspect, even her hunky sheriff boyfriend.
Is it a deadly accident by a drunken witch…or something more sinister? Murder is on the menu and only magic can uncover the truth in this witchy, wacky, Yuletide thrill ride!'

Review: This is a strange story - although it hangs together well, it does make you wonder what's happening. Tyler and Earl are good characters; still can't stand Aunt Pearl. Aunt Amanda isn't much more likeable. ( )
  DrLed | Oct 23, 2022 |
This book was every bit as good as I imagined it would be. Even though I started in the middle of the series, I wasn’t lost as the story. The characters were all very well fleshed out. There’s humor, drama, angst, and of course, mystery. Our MC really went on an emotional rollercoaster between the drama of her family and the raging snowstorm outside.

Narration was wonderfully done making it easy to distinguish between characters. She really helped to bring the piece to life by giving each character their own distinct “voice.”

This book was given to me for free at my request and I provided this voluntary review.
( )
  Kayla.Krantz | Feb 14, 2020 |
witches, murder, law-enforcement, family-dynamics, ghosts -----
Her whole family is looney, but Cendrine and her sheriff boyfriend were hoping that the family Christmas would be okay. However, they didn't anticipate the blizzard, her former fiance bringing his new girlfriend, another unexpected guest, or the murder of Aunt Pearl's student witch. The only thing that they could bank on was that Aunt Pearl would be her obnoxious self. This is definitely a mystery wrapped up with spells and some real characters!
Petrea Burchard is just too good as narrator! She has the audio interpretation of Aunt Pearl down to a science! ( )
  jetangen4571 | Jun 25, 2018 |
Christmas Witch List: A Westwick Witches Cozy Mystery
Westwick Witches Cozy Mysteries, Volume 4
By: Colleen Cross
Narrated by: Petrea Burchard
This is an audible book I requested and the review is voluntary.
This is my favorite so far! I still find Aunt Pearl super annoying but the story was a good mystery. Who doesn't like a mystery with a snowed in group of people out from everyone. The power blinking in and out... then someone dies.. who killed them?
Great narration too! ( )
  MontzaleeW | Jun 22, 2018 |
näyttää 4/4
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Eat, Drink, and Be Poisoned... Cendrine West is looking forward to a cozy Christmas Eve dinner when a blizzard blows in, bringing with it a flurry of unexpected guests. But tipsy witches and mischievous magic spell a recipe for disaster, especially when a guest turns up dead. Cen's sleuthing exposes a Santa-sized sack of trouble and everyone's a suspect, even her hunky sheriff boyfriend. Is it a deadly accident by a drunken witch?or something more sinister? Murder is on the menu and only magic can uncover the truth in this witchy, wacky, Yuletide thrill ride! The Westwick Witches cozy mysteries are for fans of fun, cozy mystery books with a paranormal twist! If you haven't already read the first 3 books in the series, Witch You Well, Rags to Witches, and Witch and Famous, get them now in a specially priced Westwick Witches Magical Mystery box set. "Five stars for my favorite combo of magic, mistletoe, and murder!" "...A bewitching, supernatural treat. If you love witch cozy mysteries you'll love Cendrine West and her wacky witch family!" "...One of the best paranormal mystery books I've read in awhile. An imaginative detective mystery that combines the best mysteries of an Agatha Christie whodunit novel with a Harry Potter fantasy book, this is magic for grown-ups!"  Witch cozy mysteries are for fans of fun, cozy mystery books with a paranormal twist! The Westwick Cozy Mysteries series, in order: Witch You Well Rags to Witches Witch and Famous Christmas Witch List From the author: Westwick Corners isn't your typical small town. Or even a normal ghost town. It's where people go not to be found, and witches go to work their magic without attracting too much attention. The combination makes from some interesting and humorous mysteries, and the witches are always at the center of the action! Ruby's cooking, Cendrine's amateur sleuth and investigator activities, and Aunt Pearl's magic school are always looking for that one secret ingredient that will propel the witches to fame and fortune and put the small town of Westwick Corners back on the map again. The witches are forever cooking up new business opportunities like The Westwick Corners Inn, The Witching Post Bar and Grill, and of course, Pearl's Charm School, where witches go to unravel riddles, spin magic spells, and create their own witch mysteries. Too bad they are forever getting distracted because there are always strange things happening in Westwick Corners, from petty crime to murder. The West family has always been in Westwick Corners and always will be. They descend from a long line of witches who have inhabited Westwick Corners from the beginning. Witches who unlock mysteries, solve crime, and help those in need. They are collectively a kind of a witch of all trades, because pitching in--or is it witching in-- is what you do in a small town. Everyone helps out. Even Grandma Vi the ghost investigates and sleuths. But when everyone pulls together, it's not always in the same direction!  If you like a good puzzle, a good laugh, and a good witch mystery series, you'll love these cozy mystery books!  Available in audio, ebook and paperback.

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