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Buck Rogers: A Life in the Future

Tekijä: Martin Caidin

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
641422,996 (2.33)3
This novel takes the form of a set of memoirs, with Buck Rogers detailing his awakening in an alien future, and his exploits on Earth and in space in the 25th century.

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This certainly is not the Gil Gerard or Buster Crabbe Buck Rogers I’m familiar with. However, that is not why I didn’t really enjoy this book. It does still have a sense of campy fun to it but there were large chucks of it that were rather boring. When Buck wakes up in the future he has to be told all that has happened while he was out of the loop. All 400 odd years of it. There are also long passages about the strengths and weaknesses of every plane Buck has ever flown and detailed descriptions of how the future technology works. I understand that certain things need to be explained to us as the readers as well as Buck but it got pretty dry at times and I found some of it hard to slog through. The plot also seems to jump about randomly. They are on one mission and then on to the next without any sort of transition or anything that ties it all together. Which would work if it came in monthly installments but doesn’t really come together into one cohesive novel. And there are a lot of interesting characters but no one is developed very well. Caidin seemed to want to fit everything in the Buck Rogers myth in this book and it becomes some what of a jumbled mess. I think it would have worked out better if some things were left out and one story line was developed more fully. I’m assuming that the racist attitude of everyone in the book was an attempt to stay close to the feelings in the original stories but it still seemed tacky to me. And it all came together in an ending that wasn’t as satisfying as I had hoped for. There is a reproduction of the Phil Nowlan’s 1933 'Buck Rogers in the 25th Century' novelette included at the back of the book that is a lot of fun and which, unfortunately, I found more interesting than the book itself. ( )
  bedda | Nov 3, 2008 |
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This book is for a young aviator who soon will be new to the 21st century, and the wonders of flight that await him. My friend and fellow birdman -- Rob Milford.
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"Transcom six three niner, Chicago Center."
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (3)

This novel takes the form of a set of memoirs, with Buck Rogers detailing his awakening in an alien future, and his exploits on Earth and in space in the 25th century.

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Keskiarvo: (2.33)
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3 2
4.5 1

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