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180 DAYS: Two Teachers and the Quest to Engage and Empower Adolescents

Tekijä: Kelly Gallagher

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
771357,618 (4.2)-
Education. Nonfiction. HTML:

Two teachers. Two classrooms. One school year.

180 Days represents the collaboration of two master teachers—Kelly Gallagher and Penny Kittle—over an entire school year: planning, teaching, and reflecting within their own and each other's classrooms in California and New Hampshire. Inspired by a teacher's question, "How do you fit it all in?" they identified and prioritized the daily, essential, belief-based practices that are worth spending time on. They asked, "Who will these students be as readers and writers after a year under our care?" What we make time for matters: what we plan, how we revise our plans while teaching, and how we reflect and decide what's next. The decision-making in the moment is the most essential work of teaching, and it's the ongoing study of the adolescents in front of us that has the greatest impact on our thinking. With both the demands of time and the complexity of diverse students in mind, Kelly and Penny mapped out a year of engaging literacy practices aligned to their core beliefs about what matters most. They share their insights on managing time and tasks and offer teaching strategies for engaging students in both whole class and independent work. Video clips of Kelly and Penny teaching in each other's classrooms bring this year to life and show you what a steadfast commitment to belief-based instruction looks like in action.

180 Days. Make every moment matter. Teach fearlessly. Empower all students to live literate lives.

… (lisätietoja)

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I appreciate the authors' passion, and agree with many of their ideas, but I didn't feel like they adequately answered the questions they set out to ("How do you fit it all in?"; "What does a year of teaching in your classroom look like?").

They give a daily breakdown at the very beginning, and then subsequent chapters break the year down into weeks of various units, and they describe what they do in those units. After reading it all, I'm convinced they're stretching the truth about what they do the same way many job applicants stretch it on their résumés. I would have loved to see several in-depth descriptions of what actually happened each day versus a general idea of what happens over the course of a few weeks.

Also, it sounded like they assign a lot of homework. Two hours of reading outside class each week, and they didn't really state how long they expected kids to work on writing outside of class, but with the assignments they included, surely they would need time outside of class for it. Teachers seem to forget that kids are already in school for long hours and have other classes, to boot.

A tone of arrogance shone through, and a certain hypocrisy. They say not everything will work for every student, flexibility is important, etc., but they're strongly opposed to 5-paragraph essays, shaming teachers who use them. I get that they're not the end goal, but the vast majority of kids I've seen don't know where to begin, and organization through a standard format like this helps a ton. They wanted their kids to "be creative" and to "break the rules," but you can't break rules effectively when you don't first know what the rules are and how to follow them. (For some context, they stated many of their students didn't know how to address an envelope. But 5-paragraph essays are beneath them?)

There were a few instances of profanity from the authors, which I always find unprofessional.

And finally, a pet peeve from the interior book design: Some of the tables were started on the bottom half of the right page, then continued onto the top half of the left page. They would have been easier to read if someone had bothered to keep them on the same page and adjust the text around them.

So, anyway, it's worth a read; it will inspire teachers to be better, just like any book on education. But I'm happier with my own schedule, to be honest. ( )
  RachelRachelRachel | Nov 21, 2023 |
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Education. Nonfiction. HTML:

Two teachers. Two classrooms. One school year.

180 Days represents the collaboration of two master teachers—Kelly Gallagher and Penny Kittle—over an entire school year: planning, teaching, and reflecting within their own and each other's classrooms in California and New Hampshire. Inspired by a teacher's question, "How do you fit it all in?" they identified and prioritized the daily, essential, belief-based practices that are worth spending time on. They asked, "Who will these students be as readers and writers after a year under our care?" What we make time for matters: what we plan, how we revise our plans while teaching, and how we reflect and decide what's next. The decision-making in the moment is the most essential work of teaching, and it's the ongoing study of the adolescents in front of us that has the greatest impact on our thinking. With both the demands of time and the complexity of diverse students in mind, Kelly and Penny mapped out a year of engaging literacy practices aligned to their core beliefs about what matters most. They share their insights on managing time and tasks and offer teaching strategies for engaging students in both whole class and independent work. Video clips of Kelly and Penny teaching in each other's classrooms bring this year to life and show you what a steadfast commitment to belief-based instruction looks like in action.

180 Days. Make every moment matter. Teach fearlessly. Empower all students to live literate lives.


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