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Witch and Famous

Tekijä: Colleen Cross

Sarjat: Westwick Witches (3)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
742,417,647 (3.08)-
Fantasy. Fiction. Mystery. HTML:Lights, camera, assassin...
A Hollywood movie shoot comes to town and journalist Cendrine West is eager for a scoop. Her witchy family also wants in on the action, but shenanigans with the stars soon turn to Tinseltown tragedy.
Bodies are piling up faster than a coven's worth of curses, and everything points back to Cen's starstruck family. They will stop at nothing in their quest for supernatural stardom, even if that means meddling in a murder investigation.
The witches have created one spell of a mess and given the killer a chance to get away with murder. Cen resorts to her own blend of supernatural justice to keep her family in check, but can she unmask the killer before he strikes again?
Welcome to the wild, wild Wests!
Witch & Famous is for fans of a paranormal mystery, cozy mystery, and wickedly funny witches.
This book can be read as a standalone mystery, but if you want to know more about the Westwick Witches and their family history, you can start with book 1: Witch You Well..
… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 4/4
Witch and Famous
Westwick Witches, Book 3

I Picked Up This Book Because: My series spinner picked this one..

Media Type: Audiobook
Source:Hoopla va H Public Library
Dates Read: 7/12/23 - 7/13/23
Stars: *DNF - No rating
Narrator(s):Petrea Burchard

The Characters:

Cendrine West:
Aunt Pearl, Aunt Amber, Centrine’s Mother (Ruby?) and Grandmother

The Story:

I’ve ranted about it a lot so I will spare you further torture. Basically I can’t stand Aunt Pearl and she is too wrapped up in the storyline to ignore so I’m quitting the series.

The Random Thoughts: ( )
  bookjunkie57 | Jul 17, 2023 |
Synopsis: 'A Hollywood movie shoot comes to town and journalist Cendrine West is eager for a scoop. Her witchy family also wants in on the action, but shenanigans with the stars soon turn to Tinseltown tragedy.
Bodies are piling up faster than a coven’s worth of curses, and everything points back to Cen’s starstruck family. They will stop at nothing in their quest for supernatural stardom, even if that means meddling in a murder investigation.
The witches have created one spell of a mess and given the killer a chance to get away with murder. Cen resorts to her own blend of supernatural justice to keep her family in check, but can she unmask the killer before he strikes again?'

Review: I'm glad to see Sheriff Tyler is back. This story is a bit thin. ( )
  DrLed | Oct 23, 2022 |
cozy-mystery, law-enforcement, witches, situational-humor, verbal-humor, audiobook -----
This wacky family of witches is driving family member Cendrine and her law enforcement boyfriend crazy enough, but add in a Hollywood film crew, a political minded mayor, and murder and you get sleuthing plus laughter! This is a really good read, and if you get the audio, the narrator does waaaay too good a job on several of the characters (pun intended). The publisher's blurb is somewhat informative and there is no need for spoilers here. ( )
  jetangen4571 | Mar 30, 2018 |
Witch & Famous
A Westwick Witches Cozy Mystery
By: Colleen Cross
Narrated by: Petrea Burchard
This is an audible book I requested and the review is voluntary.
I love this series. It is crazy and batty with the hair brained aunt that drives me crazy but in this book Cen has two aunts to deal with! Both aunts are witches and are nuts! There is a murder and in front of everyone. The murderer put real bullets in the gun that was suppose to have blanks for the movie. I feel sorry for the sheriff, he is Cen's boyfriend. He has to deal with THREE busybody witches trying to solve the crime! lol
The narrator does great at keeping the voices straight and action flowing. She has the crazy aunt's voice down great...a horrible grating sound just perfect for her personality! lol ( )
  MontzaleeW | Mar 28, 2018 |
näyttää 4/4
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Fantasy. Fiction. Mystery. HTML:Lights, camera, assassin...
A Hollywood movie shoot comes to town and journalist Cendrine West is eager for a scoop. Her witchy family also wants in on the action, but shenanigans with the stars soon turn to Tinseltown tragedy.
Bodies are piling up faster than a coven's worth of curses, and everything points back to Cen's starstruck family. They will stop at nothing in their quest for supernatural stardom, even if that means meddling in a murder investigation.
The witches have created one spell of a mess and given the killer a chance to get away with murder. Cen resorts to her own blend of supernatural justice to keep her family in check, but can she unmask the killer before he strikes again?
Welcome to the wild, wild Wests!
Witch & Famous is for fans of a paranormal mystery, cozy mystery, and wickedly funny witches.
This book can be read as a standalone mystery, but if you want to know more about the Westwick Witches and their family history, you can start with book 1: Witch You Well..

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