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Mated To The Werewolf King (The Kings, #1)

Tekijä: Alena Des

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
952,025,374 (3.58)-
As war looms between the two species, the Demon Lord is determined to find Annabelle - little does she know, the truth behind his sinister actions is about to unravel. When Annabelle discovers that she is not the true daughter of the Alpha in her pack, her world, as she knows it, comes crashing down and she finds herself running to hide from the tyrannical Demon Lord who is hell-bent on finding her.Despite her objections, she is taken to the court of the Werewolf King. He's arrogant, stubborn and discerning of her very being, but willing to defend her... for now. Will the Werewolf King yield to the Demon Lord's ultimatum and give her to the enemy or will she be the cause of a looming war between the two species?More importantly, what does the Demon Lord want with Belle? She's only a werewolf... isn't she?"Not only wolves, but other supernatural creatures as well. I don't want to give anything away, but this book has a sneaky way of dragging you into the story and following every twist and turn with baited breath. The characters are believable, the story unique. One of my favorite wolf shifter stories now." - L.R."I absolutely love this book and I cannot wait for the next one! What a wild and twisty ride the book was!!! I swear once I had everything figured out, it changed all over again, twisting and turning the entire way through. I love the writing it has a nice smooth and easy way of taking you to another world were vampires, witches, demons, and of course werewolves are all living along with humans and other supernatural beings." - Celeste… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 5/5
Wow! I loved - LOVED - loved this story! What a ride. I couldn't put the book down - I needed to know who Belle was... what she was... who her mate actually was. OMG it was completely satisfying. I love all the supernatural elements that were included in the book too. I'm a huge fan of shifters, demons and now this author!

Bring on another book! ( )
  CAKing | Oct 30, 2020 |
Belle is furious when her pack wants to send her away as she nears her 18th birthday. What she doesn’t understand is that they only want her to be safe. Action-packed and full of twists and turns, Mated to the Werewolf King is only the beginning of a wonderful paranormal series. Once Belle is under the protection of the Werewolf King, he must make a choice as to whether or not he will hand avoid a war or give in to the Demon King’s demands. Throughout the story, we begin to see why Belle is so special…and how she is more than just an ordinary werewolf.

The story has wonderful worldbuilding and gets you so involved into the story before the cliffhanger ending that it will hook you into continuing on with the series. Definitely recommended for anyone who’s a fan of paranormal romance.
( )
  Kayla.Krantz | Feb 15, 2020 |
"3.5 out of 5 stars!! Close to Belle’s (Annabelle) eighteenth birthday, her life forever changes when she learns that everything she knew about herself is a lie. Raised within a werewolf pack, she is taken to the Werewolf King’s castle in hopes to protect her from an unknown source. However, that is just the beginning of the “crazy” that is about to enter her life. Will she be able to “roll with the punches” and make the best of the situations that are thrown her way or will she be “gobbled up and spit out” instead?

This novel was an epic adventure-ride from the start that follows both Belle and the Werewolf King (Keith) as they try to make sense about what is happening to Belle and save their world in the process. Though it is not quite..."

Read more of this review and TWO TEASERS here: https://frommetoyouvideophoto.blogspot.com/2019/12/made-grade-kings-series-book-... ( )
  fromjesstoyou | Dec 20, 2019 |
An enjoyable ride in a world full of fascinating creatures.

I like to read books with supernatural creatures because I find it amusing how some authors were able to make different tales about it. Mated to the Werewolf King is one of a few novels that I happened to like. Not because of awesome characters or plot but because of uniquely combining those creatures.

The story was narrated both by Belle and Keith. The story started with Belle learning that the demon lord was after her, and he would get her when she reached 18. She doesn’t believe it at first but after the werewolf king took her from their home and when they encountered some demons while on their way to his place, she suddenly thought that her family was telling the truth. But, there was more adventure waiting for Belle. There are other creatures whom she would meet along the way, the creations of the Moon Goddess – vampire, werewolves, witches, and demons – and the creations of the Sun Goddess – fae, nymphs, ifrits, and shadow spirits.

I liked how the author combined these different creatures in the story though it would take a lot more words to let them shine in their way. Some of them were not introduced very well, but I don’t think it would change the story so, that would be fine for now. The writing was straightforward to read, and I’ve finished reading this in just one sitting. Well, I’m just too engrossed on how the story went.

The characters all have their flaws and in which, somehow, annoys me most of the time. Belle is a selfish girl, but it changed as the story goes. The werewolf king is irritating from the start but it was his nature already so ok, I would accept it. The other creatures are fun to meet especially the ifrit child; he is sweet but a spoiled little lad (you’ll like him more on the epilogue). Of all the creatures, I like to see how Samuel, the vampire king, would do with Belle, but I’m just very disappointed when I’ve found out what happened in the following chapter. I think not everyone’s dream could be granted.

Aside from some aspects of the story, the title is what bothers me because after reading this book, I think the title is not very fitting for the story. I just thought that the title should be more focus on Belle. The current title, Mated to the Werewolf King, already gave me the impression that she would pick the werewolf king named Keith. If it weren’t for it, I would have more enjoyment guessing and picking whom Belle would end up with, and even if she chose to stay with Keith in the end, it would be satisfying to me already because I’ve got the chance to pair her to the other characters.

All in all, I like the unique idea put on this book. I am recommending this for anyone who also wants to see how those creatures co-exist with one another. If you also like an adventure in the underworld, then try this book too.

Disclaimer: I received an advance readers copy from the publisher. ( )
  AlysinBookland | Jun 2, 2019 |
Witches, Werewolves, and Demons Galore!

Seventeen year old Belle thought she was a member of the pack, but being hunted by The Demon King sets her on a journey she never imagined. In what appears to be a unique adaptation of Beauty and the Beast, we follow Belle, a young hybrid, and Keith, the fierce King of the Werewolves.

Although their relationship starts as one of sheer dislike, we see Keith begin to grow on Belle, as she in turn grows on him. I must admit, although I initially hated Keith’s character with his frustrating level of arrogance and stand-offish nature, I began to warm with him as Belle did. It’s like I was experiencing her changing emotional state for myself, her feelings influencing my impression of him.

The story is told through the eyes of three separate characters: Belle, Keith, and Tannon, a one-thousand year old warlock. We are shown the remarkable depth of each character’s thoughts, with each bringing a unique perspective to the story’s events. Belle and Keith proved to be the most stubborn characters I’ve ever met, but in an almost endearing way.

The action hooked me from the start, with a plot that continued to draw me in. This was in addition to the many surprise twists I noticed dotted throughout as I followed Belle on a journey of self-discovery and love.

I love Alena Des’ style of writing and would recommend the sequel, The Warlock’s Nemesis.

Rated 5 stars.
Recommended for lovers of Fantasy. ( )
  Daxmunro | Dec 31, 2018 |
näyttää 5/5
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As war looms between the two species, the Demon Lord is determined to find Annabelle - little does she know, the truth behind his sinister actions is about to unravel. When Annabelle discovers that she is not the true daughter of the Alpha in her pack, her world, as she knows it, comes crashing down and she finds herself running to hide from the tyrannical Demon Lord who is hell-bent on finding her.Despite her objections, she is taken to the court of the Werewolf King. He's arrogant, stubborn and discerning of her very being, but willing to defend her... for now. Will the Werewolf King yield to the Demon Lord's ultimatum and give her to the enemy or will she be the cause of a looming war between the two species?More importantly, what does the Demon Lord want with Belle? She's only a werewolf... isn't she?"Not only wolves, but other supernatural creatures as well. I don't want to give anything away, but this book has a sneaky way of dragging you into the story and following every twist and turn with baited breath. The characters are believable, the story unique. One of my favorite wolf shifter stories now." - L.R."I absolutely love this book and I cannot wait for the next one! What a wild and twisty ride the book was!!! I swear once I had everything figured out, it changed all over again, twisting and turning the entire way through. I love the writing it has a nice smooth and easy way of taking you to another world were vampires, witches, demons, and of course werewolves are all living along with humans and other supernatural beings." - Celeste

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