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Gone to Ground

Tekijä: John Harvey

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2303118,063 (3.33)11
Will's first thought when he saw the man's face: it was like a glove that had been pulled inside out. When police detective, Will Grayson and his partner, Helen Walker, are called upon to investigate the violent death of Stephen Bryan, a gay Cambridge academic, their first thoughts are off an ill-judged sexual encounter, of rough trade gone wrong. But as their investigation widens, their attention focuses on the biography Bryan was writing about the life and death of fifties film star, Stella Leonard, whose death from drowning, when the car she was driving skidded mysteriously off a lonely Fenland road, uncannily echoed the climax of her most notorious film, Shattered Glass. With Bryan's journalist sister egging them on, and bringing herself into mortal danger as she conducts her own investigation, Will and Helen gradually peel away the secrets of a family blighted by a lust for wealth and power and its own perverted sexuality.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 3/3
Cuando Stephen Bryan, un profesor universitario homosexual, aparece brutalmente asesinado, los detectives de la policía Will Grayson y Helen Walker chocan con el obstáculo de la fatal de pruebas. ¿Fue un crimen pasional, una relación ocasional de pesadilla o tiene algo que ver con la desaparición del ordenador portátil de Stephen y con la biografía que estaba escribiendo sobre la estrella cinematográfica de los años 50 Stella Leonard? La hermana de Stephen, Lesley, cree que su hermano había desenterrado la verdad que explicaba la misteriosa muerte de Stella y que la familia de ésta haría cualquier cosa por evitar que saliese a la luz, recurriendo incluso al asesinato. Cuando Lesley emprende una investigación por su cuenta, tanto Helen Walker como ella se convierten en víctimas de la violencia que se cierne a su alrededor y gradualmente descubren los secretos de una familia corrompida por el poder, la riqueza y la lujuria.
  Biblipuentegares | Jul 19, 2013 |
Mediocre ( )
  AnneliM | Jan 25, 2013 |
A good plot line, but there are too many inconsequential moments to get lost in and I found it hard to read. ( )
  mydogatebob | May 6, 2008 |
näyttää 3/3
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Will's first thought when he saw the man's face: it was like a glove that had been pulled inside out. When police detective, Will Grayson and his partner, Helen Walker, are called upon to investigate the violent death of Stephen Bryan, a gay Cambridge academic, their first thoughts are off an ill-judged sexual encounter, of rough trade gone wrong. But as their investigation widens, their attention focuses on the biography Bryan was writing about the life and death of fifties film star, Stella Leonard, whose death from drowning, when the car she was driving skidded mysteriously off a lonely Fenland road, uncannily echoed the climax of her most notorious film, Shattered Glass. With Bryan's journalist sister egging them on, and bringing herself into mortal danger as she conducts her own investigation, Will and Helen gradually peel away the secrets of a family blighted by a lust for wealth and power and its own perverted sexuality.

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