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False Dawn (1978)

Tekijä: Chelsea Quinn Yarbro

Muut tekijät: Katso muut tekijät -osio.

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2462111,191 (3.2)11
Fiction. Science Fiction. HTML:

False Dawn, one of the first post-apocalyptic science fiction novels to deal with an environmental collapse instead of war, tells a compelling story of two people thrown together by chance, striving to stay alive in a world that can no longer support a vast human population. Seeking refuge in the Sierra Nevada, Thea and Evan have to keep moving to stay ahead of raiding gangs and the few remaining settlements. With devastation all around, they must decide when survival itself may not be worth the price it demands.Among the first American science fiction novels to use pollution and contamination rather than atomic or hydrogen bombs as the apocalyptic device, and set in actual California locations, False Dawn has come to be regarded as an important transitional novel in dystopian science fiction.

.… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 11 mainintaa

näyttää 2/2
I actually had to check the publication date because this felt like it was written in the 50s (it was not). I.e. swear words are "blanked" out... as in F--- or C---... what on earth is that all about? If they swear, they swear, blanking it out just makes me feel like the censor board got a hold of it before I did. It's not like you're fooling me as to what the words actually mean.

Then I had to check the author's gender because the name looks like a female author's name but it certainly isn't written with any respect for women (it was a female author).

One of the main characters is female but she's written like a male writer from the 50s would write a post-nuke female... i.e. she needs to find a man to travel with, then she needs him to defend her honor re rape, then she needs him to show her that the "ways of love" are not the "ways of rape" (I guess she was a virgin... like there's any of them over age 16 anymore - hence the 50s feel).

Anyway... leaving the depiction of women aside, I had to reread sections because: what is the difference between a Pirate and a Mutie and what is the main character and what is the main character's man? They are all from different "categories" of post-nuke survivors but I couldn't figure out which was which half the time. Other than the Pirates being murderers, because, of course, it's perfectly logical - post-nuke - to drive around raping and murdering every living creature you find, right? ( )
1 ääni crazybatcow | Jun 13, 2010 |
Apocalypse via environmental collapse/general human stupidity. Not bad, kind of a lame ending. ( )
  tkpunk | Apr 8, 2007 |
näyttää 2/2
ei arvosteluja | lisää arvostelu

» Lisää muita tekijöitä (2 mahdollista)

Tekijän nimiRooliTekijän tyyppiKoskeeko teosta?Tila
Chelsea Quinn Yarbroensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetlaskettu
Vonarburg, ElisabethKääntäjämuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu

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Fiction. Science Fiction. HTML:

False Dawn, one of the first post-apocalyptic science fiction novels to deal with an environmental collapse instead of war, tells a compelling story of two people thrown together by chance, striving to stay alive in a world that can no longer support a vast human population. Seeking refuge in the Sierra Nevada, Thea and Evan have to keep moving to stay ahead of raiding gangs and the few remaining settlements. With devastation all around, they must decide when survival itself may not be worth the price it demands.Among the first American science fiction novels to use pollution and contamination rather than atomic or hydrogen bombs as the apocalyptic device, and set in actual California locations, False Dawn has come to be regarded as an important transitional novel in dystopian science fiction.


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