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Goodbye to All Cats

Tekijä: P. G. Wodehouse

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'Wodehouse is a tonic' - New Yorker. A Wodehouse pick-me-up that'll lift your spirits, whatever your mood. Cheaper and more effective than Valium'.* Offers 'relief from anxiety, raginess or an afternoon-long tendency towards the sour'.* 'Read when you're well and when you're poorly; when you're travelling, and when you're not; when you're feeling clever, and when you're feeling utterly dim.'* Whatever your mood, P. G. Wodehouse, widely acknowledged to be 'the best English comic novelist of the century'*, is guaranteed to lift your spirits. Why? Because 'Mr Wodehouse's idyllic world can never stale. He has made a world for us to live in and delight in.'* How? 'You don't analyse such sunlit perfection, you just bask in its warmth and splendour.'* *Olivia Williams *Caitlin Moran *Lynne Truss *Sebastian Faulks *Evelyn Waugh *Stephen Fry Ever on the lookout for a quick buck, a solid gold fortune, or at least a plausible little scrounge, the irrepressible Ukridge gives con men a bad name. Looking like an animated blob of mustard in his bright yellow raincoat, he invests time, passion and energy (but seldom actual cash) in a series of increasingly bizarre money-making schemes. Shares in an accident syndicate? Easily arranged. Finance for a dog college? It's yours. And if you throw in some cats, flying unexpectedly from windows, and a young man trying ever-more-desperately to impress the family of his latest love, you get a medley of Wodehouse delights in which lunacy and comic exuberance reign supreme. Contents- - Goodbye to All Cats - Ukridge's Dog College - Ukridge's Accident Syndicate… (lisätietoja)

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Contains: Goodbye to all cats -- Ukridge's dog college -- Ukridge's accident syndicate.
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


'Wodehouse is a tonic' - New Yorker. A Wodehouse pick-me-up that'll lift your spirits, whatever your mood. Cheaper and more effective than Valium'.* Offers 'relief from anxiety, raginess or an afternoon-long tendency towards the sour'.* 'Read when you're well and when you're poorly; when you're travelling, and when you're not; when you're feeling clever, and when you're feeling utterly dim.'* Whatever your mood, P. G. Wodehouse, widely acknowledged to be 'the best English comic novelist of the century'*, is guaranteed to lift your spirits. Why? Because 'Mr Wodehouse's idyllic world can never stale. He has made a world for us to live in and delight in.'* How? 'You don't analyse such sunlit perfection, you just bask in its warmth and splendour.'* *Olivia Williams *Caitlin Moran *Lynne Truss *Sebastian Faulks *Evelyn Waugh *Stephen Fry Ever on the lookout for a quick buck, a solid gold fortune, or at least a plausible little scrounge, the irrepressible Ukridge gives con men a bad name. Looking like an animated blob of mustard in his bright yellow raincoat, he invests time, passion and energy (but seldom actual cash) in a series of increasingly bizarre money-making schemes. Shares in an accident syndicate? Easily arranged. Finance for a dog college? It's yours. And if you throw in some cats, flying unexpectedly from windows, and a young man trying ever-more-desperately to impress the family of his latest love, you get a medley of Wodehouse delights in which lunacy and comic exuberance reign supreme. Contents- - Goodbye to All Cats - Ukridge's Dog College - Ukridge's Accident Syndicate

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