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Sherlock Holmes and the Ice Palace Murders

Tekijä: Larry Millett

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
295592,357 (3.65)7
The year is 1896, and St. Paul's magnificent Winter Carnival is under way when Holmes and Watson are summoned by the city's most powerful man, railroad magnate James J. Hill. A wealthy young man disappears on the eve of his wedding--and his fiancee suspiciously discards her wedding dress. After a grisly discovery in the carnival's Ice Palace leads to a flurry of clues, Holmes is on the case. His pursuit of the murderer takes him through the highest echelons of St. Paul society and into cahoots with Shadwell Rafferty, a gregarious saloonkeeper and part-time private investigator. Soon Holmes, Wa… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 5/5
In 1896, while visiting Chicago, Sherlock Holmes receives a letter from James J. Hill, asking the detective to come to St. Paul to investigate the disappearance of Jonathan Upton on the eve of the man's wedding. Holmes, accompanied by Dr. Watson, travels to Minnesota where the Twin City is hosting its annual winter carnival. However, instead of finding a missing person, Jonathan's severed head is found amidst the ice sculptures. Soon, Holmes, Watson and local bartender Shadwell Rafferty attempt to solve the case, taking both of them to the highest levels of local power, the frozen Mississippi river and the Winter Carnival ice palace. A fun read, as a Twin Cities resident I particularly enjoyed learning about the history of the city of St. Paul, the politics of the city at the time and the tradition of the Winter Carnival. 3 out of 5 stars. ( )
  marsap | Jul 2, 2013 |
I've read the series, and I've read the Canon. I love the mysteries, and I love how well the author portrays the characters. I think Millet keeps Holmes and Watson right on par with the original. ( )
  theyarnstashattacked | Nov 21, 2010 |
First read Arthur Conan Doyle. There are surpisingly few stories. If you like Conan Doyle's Watson and Holmes, try Larry Millett's transportation of them to Minnesota! He has the 'voice' down pat. Holmes and Watson find themselves searching for a murderer in the midst of midwinter carnival. There are a number of modern writers who have extended Watson's stories of Holmes' adventures and Millett is my favorite. ( )
1 ääni dougwood57 | Apr 6, 2008 |
Unlike some of the other reviewers here, I found the 'voice' of Holmes and Watson to be accurate and quite true to the original characters. Perhaps not enough is done with them--brilliant deductions, a mainstay of Holmes' character, seem few and far between. This books fault lies in the mystery itself. A convoluted mystery requires sharp characters to help the reader keep track of what's going on. Apart from the authors "pet" character, Rafferty, few of the book's characters are particularly distinguishable in any way and I confess that upon reaching the end and discovering the culprit's identity I had to stop and think to remember the character and what part they had played in the book. [Amazon review 1]
Larry Millett combines his knowledge of the history of the Twin Cities with a mystery involving Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson. So how does it come off? This is one of the better Sherlock Holmes pastiche I have read, and believe me, I've read a LOT of them.
The history lessons I received from reading the book are a definite treat since I visit the Twin Cities several times a year and know the areas talked about. But even if you are not familiar with the Minnesota cities, a map and Millett's detailed descriptions help the reader visualize the cities at the turn of the century.
The Sherlock Holmes/Dr. Watson characterizations are very good; there are not too many instances where the reader would say "Oh, come on. Holmes would never do that." That is how I judge pastiches. I thought this story the best of the first three Larry Millett/Sherlock Holmes endeavors. [Amazon review 2]
3 ääni mmckay | Apr 12, 2006 |
The only thing better than someone co-opting another guy's franchise is tying it in with the ice palaces of the mighty St. Paul Winter Carnival. In this case, it's a St. Paul newspaper writer adding to the Sherlock Holmes canon in wintry Minnesota. Great fun, with just the right dash of mayhem. ( )
  wenestvedt | Oct 7, 2005 |
näyttää 5/5
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In the years since I first began chronicling the adventures of my good friend Sherlock Holmes, I have often been asked which case inspired his greatest feat of detection.
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


The year is 1896, and St. Paul's magnificent Winter Carnival is under way when Holmes and Watson are summoned by the city's most powerful man, railroad magnate James J. Hill. A wealthy young man disappears on the eve of his wedding--and his fiancee suspiciously discards her wedding dress. After a grisly discovery in the carnival's Ice Palace leads to a flurry of clues, Holmes is on the case. His pursuit of the murderer takes him through the highest echelons of St. Paul society and into cahoots with Shadwell Rafferty, a gregarious saloonkeeper and part-time private investigator. Soon Holmes, Wa

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Keskiarvo: (3.65)
1 1
1.5 1
2 2
2.5 1
3 7
3.5 6
4 14
4.5 2
5 6

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