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252927,916 (3.63)1
Late 2606. Professor Bernice Summerfield is... well she looks nearly 40 but it's difficult to tell what with all the time travel. She's on her way to a funeral, and to meet up with people she's not seen since her 20s. Ex-husband Jason is keen to go with her. Benny never talks about that period of her life - what she did to keep out of the war, where she travelled or how she survived. She's run through time and space to avoid this reunion. But the best-selling author of Down Among The Dead Men must finally uncover her own past.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2

Another collection of Bernice Summerfield novellas, this time a linked narrative by three different authors, involving a figure (half-human, half-lemur) from Benny's pre-Doctor past emerging to cause difficulty by dying unexpectedly. I thought this was a particularly good effort, Marc Platt scoring particularly for atmospherics in his flashback story of Young Benny, but Clements and Kempshall doing a good job of setup and resolution. Not particularly penetrable for those who are not already Benny fans - the unresolved Jason relationship is a big part of the story. ( )
  nwhyte | Aug 21, 2018 |
This is third "novella trilogy" in the Bernice Summerfield, and the most successful one. It takes a slightly different format to the earlier ones-- instead of being three largely parallel tales, we get the first part of a larger story in Jonathan Clements's "Cheating the Reaper," an extended flashback in Marc Platt's "The Ship of Painted Shadows," and then the end of the larger story in Pete Kempshall's "The Soul's Prism."

Let's talk about the flashback story first: Platt's tale oozes atmosphere, and I liked his depiction of "young" Benny (she's 23, I think), who is plausibly the same character, but less experienced without being written as stupid. He write great characters all around, as well as a great setting, but I never fully understood why anything was happening, especially the history of the villain. Parts of it reminded me of Platt's own Paper Cuts.

The main story sees Bernice and Jason attending the funeral of a character Benny first met in "The Ship of Painted Shadows." Clements doesn't quite get the dialogue voices of the principal characters, I don't think, but he gets their interiority very well-- his Jason especially balances the man's desire to do well with his baser instincts in a way that doesn't make him seem a moron. There's not a ton of plot, but this story really gets us into Benny's emotional space-- the woman who left everyone behind, and for a long time. The last line, by the way, is utterly perfect.

"The Soul's Prism" continues this story, but adding some physical danger to what had been a mood piece. It has to do a lot in a brief space, and I don't think it playing coy helps it along-- someone from Benny's past turns up, but it isn't made clear what this person actually did to Benny until late in the game. If I'd read all of the New Adventures, I think I'd know, but I haven't. There are also some contrivances about a character being unable to find Benny that I don't really buy. But on the whole, this is an enjoyable tale, and it succeeds at the doubly tough job of finishing Clements's story while resonating with Platt's admirably.
  Stevil2001 | Dec 1, 2013 |
näyttää 2/2
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» Lisää muita tekijöitä

Tekijän nimiRooliTekijän tyyppiKoskeeko teosta?Tila
Platt, Marcensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Clements, Jonathanpäätekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Kempshall, Petepäätekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Manning, StuartKannen suunnittelijamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Sullivan, LeeKansikuvataiteilijamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (1)

Late 2606. Professor Bernice Summerfield is... well she looks nearly 40 but it's difficult to tell what with all the time travel. She's on her way to a funeral, and to meet up with people she's not seen since her 20s. Ex-husband Jason is keen to go with her. Benny never talks about that period of her life - what she did to keep out of the war, where she travelled or how she survived. She's run through time and space to avoid this reunion. But the best-selling author of Down Among The Dead Men must finally uncover her own past.

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