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Danger's Halo

Tekijä: Amanda Carlson

Sarjat: Holly Danger (1)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
352704,020 (3.67)1
One hundred and fifty-three years in the future, Earth doesn't look much like it used to. Holly Danger's current assignment, gleaned from a set of foggy instructions and a handful of coin stuffed into a slot, is to pick up a street kid who's about to terminate himself off a cliff. And, as a rule, she doesn't turn down currency. Her job as a salvager keeps her fed and clothed above the norm, which isn't saying much. The norm in this city is a scrape-by existence in a post-apocalyptic world, where the rain never stops, food is always scarce, and the elite have deserted the ranks in search of something better. Picking up this urchin won't take much time, even if he's located outside city limits. Her craft is fast, her weapons deadly, and her tech has been optimized as well as it can be for a climate clogged with iron dust. But things take a big turn when she decides to become the boy's guardian instead of hand him over. Outskirts have descended on the city, and their plans don't include playing nice. When her crew is backed against a graphene wall, it's a good thing her Gem is primed and ready to go. It's almost as deadly as she is....… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
5 stars, Believable Dystopian World

by Amanda Carlson

Holly Danger is a survivor. She and her crew have figured out how to have a fulfilling life in a dystopian world.

Holly Danger is a scavenger who has had to make her own way in a broken world since she was 9 years old. She's with a great crew now, has learned not to trust anyone, for any reason. She takes side jobs in addition to her scavenging hunts, where she agrees to find someone or something, for a price.

There is great world-building in this book, it is Book 1 of the Holly Danger series. I can picture myself right beside Holly in her many adventures. Highly recommend it, especially for anyone who enjoys a strong female protagonist. ( )
  HuberK | Nov 12, 2021 |
Their is a lot to enjoy in this new Sci-Fi Fantasy series by Amanda Carlson.

Ms. Carlson is departing from her usual genre and diving into something new. She has brought her characters and world to life. Her writing engrosses the reader from the beginning and keeps you hooked until the end.

The story is set in a post-apocalyptic / Star Trek type world. A meteorite hit earth and life was pretty much killed off. Only a handful of humans are serving, well struggling to survive. It’s a dangers and hazardous place to live.

Holly our lead character is pretty awesome. I liked her. She’s resourceful, has a good head on her shoulders, and has made a living for herself as a scavenger. As a scavenger she salvages items to barter for anything she may need. She tends to not trust anyone and expects the worst. With her past, what little we get, and the world as it is, I can see why she expects the worst and trust is a no no.

I absolutely loved the part where it’s reveled on how Holly gets her name Holly Danger. Though Holly is alone in the world, with her mother gone, she has managed to find people, her crew, and let them into her life. They have, in away, become a family.

The book was a little slow at first since we are getting introduced to a new type of world, but things pick up and we are on a another fast-paced adventure with mystery and danger heading for Holly and her crew.

I had a delightful time with Holly and her friends. The plot is interesting and will continue into the next, so I can’t wait to see what is next for our gang.

Rated: 4 Stars

*Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy provided by Amanda Carlson with the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.

( )
1 ääni angels_gp | Apr 26, 2018 |
näyttää 2/2
ei arvosteluja | lisää arvostelu

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One hundred and fifty-three years in the future, Earth doesn't look much like it used to. Holly Danger's current assignment, gleaned from a set of foggy instructions and a handful of coin stuffed into a slot, is to pick up a street kid who's about to terminate himself off a cliff. And, as a rule, she doesn't turn down currency. Her job as a salvager keeps her fed and clothed above the norm, which isn't saying much. The norm in this city is a scrape-by existence in a post-apocalyptic world, where the rain never stops, food is always scarce, and the elite have deserted the ranks in search of something better. Picking up this urchin won't take much time, even if he's located outside city limits. Her craft is fast, her weapons deadly, and her tech has been optimized as well as it can be for a climate clogged with iron dust. But things take a big turn when she decides to become the boy's guardian instead of hand him over. Outskirts have descended on the city, and their plans don't include playing nice. When her crew is backed against a graphene wall, it's a good thing her Gem is primed and ready to go. It's almost as deadly as she is....

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