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Anwen of Primewood (The Eldentimber Series) (Volume 2)

Tekijä: Shari L. Tapscott

Sarjat: Eldentimber (2)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1411,465,586 (4.2)-
Gypsies are trouble. Handsome princes may be worse. All her life, Anwen's father has told her to avoid the gypsies that travel through the kingdoms of Elden, but it isn't until Anwen is robbed and deserted by Dimitri, a handsome gypsy prince, that she is forced to accept the wisdom of her father's words. Now Anwen must find Dimitri's troupe and take back her family's greatest treasure-the changeling stone. The first place to search for Dimitri is in Lauramore, where the largest marriage tournament in over a decade is drawing in hundreds of traveling performers. While posing as a tambourine girl, Anwen meets Galinor, a melancholy prince who is having a rough month himself. After a little cajoling, Anwen convinces the prince to help her retrieve the changeling stone. Joined by a ragtag party of royals, they set out on a seemingly simple mission, but soon the pair faces complications in the form of stolen horses, mischievous fairies, and a dark creature that stalks them through the forest. Despite the odds against them, the hardest task in front of Anwen may be tending Galinor's broken pride-and trying not to fall head over heels for him. Because gypsies are certainly trouble, but handsome princes may be worse...… (lisätietoja)

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This novel didn't have the punch that the first novel did, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. We start with a very foolish princess, and then Galinor enters the scene to save the day. I am pleased he has a chance at love, despite his disgrace in the last novel. More familiar characters surface, making this a fun read. I recommend reading the first novel so the reader can fully appreciate Irving and other favorites.

My fave part is when Anwen befriends Pika. Oh, and one part made me squeal. It was something Galinor said. I loved it.

But near the end of the novel, Galinor does something so stupid, it's unforgivable. I was so heartbroken. Perhaps Galinor will never learn. He kind of redeemed himself at the end.

But I love this world that has been crafted across the novels. Complete with dragons through gargoyles and fairies. Many realms are traversed as well, with varying scenery and their own intrigue.

This novel would be an excellent read for preteens and up. Absolutely clean. ( )
  LisaRector | Sep 28, 2017 |
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Gypsies are trouble. Handsome princes may be worse. All her life, Anwen's father has told her to avoid the gypsies that travel through the kingdoms of Elden, but it isn't until Anwen is robbed and deserted by Dimitri, a handsome gypsy prince, that she is forced to accept the wisdom of her father's words. Now Anwen must find Dimitri's troupe and take back her family's greatest treasure-the changeling stone. The first place to search for Dimitri is in Lauramore, where the largest marriage tournament in over a decade is drawing in hundreds of traveling performers. While posing as a tambourine girl, Anwen meets Galinor, a melancholy prince who is having a rough month himself. After a little cajoling, Anwen convinces the prince to help her retrieve the changeling stone. Joined by a ragtag party of royals, they set out on a seemingly simple mission, but soon the pair faces complications in the form of stolen horses, mischievous fairies, and a dark creature that stalks them through the forest. Despite the odds against them, the hardest task in front of Anwen may be tending Galinor's broken pride-and trying not to fall head over heels for him. Because gypsies are certainly trouble, but handsome princes may be worse...

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