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Seirsha of Errinton (Eldentimber #3)

Tekijä: Shari L. Tapscott

Sarjat: Eldentimber (3)

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1311,549,443 (4.2)-
Princess Seirsha's lived her life in the shadow of her father, keeping herself distant and aloof. But after her involvement in the death of the male heir to the Errintonian throne, Seirsha's defenses begin to crumble. The search for another successor begins, and the one man with the power to strip away the princess's walls steps back into her life. She knows she should keep her distance from Lord Rigel-the only man in Errinton with a legitimate claim to her father's throne-but when the king orders her to keep the dark lord close so she may spy on him, the princess must make a choice. With another Dragon War looming and Errinton's oppressed rising against their leaders, will Seirsha betray her blood or turn her back on Rigel-the man she's loved her entire life?… (lisätietoja)

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Charming tale. Lots of back and forth. Just as Seirsha has something good happen, then wham, something awful happens. The ending has a few surprises. A few parts lagged, but despite that, the characters are fun and cute. And all the earlier novels meshed with this one. You'll want to read from the beginning to really immerse yourself into this world, and you will love all the characters. ( )
  LisaRector | Sep 28, 2017 |
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Princess Seirsha's lived her life in the shadow of her father, keeping herself distant and aloof. But after her involvement in the death of the male heir to the Errintonian throne, Seirsha's defenses begin to crumble. The search for another successor begins, and the one man with the power to strip away the princess's walls steps back into her life. She knows she should keep her distance from Lord Rigel-the only man in Errinton with a legitimate claim to her father's throne-but when the king orders her to keep the dark lord close so she may spy on him, the princess must make a choice. With another Dragon War looming and Errinton's oppressed rising against their leaders, will Seirsha betray her blood or turn her back on Rigel-the man she's loved her entire life?

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