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The Grim Reader (2017)

Tekijä: Margaret Welch

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
302803,632 (3.5)-
It's Simmering Suspense Week at the Castleton Manor literary retreat in Lighthouse Bay, Massachusetts. Librarian Faith Newberry has her hands full with a week of author talks and signings planned. But when the bejeweled guest of honor, reigning queen of romantic suspense Gloria Bauer, clears out her luxurious suite and disappears without a trace, Faith must scramble to keep the manor's other guests-and her cranky boss, Marlene Russell-satisfied with one less author. Charlotte Jaxon, Castleton's owner, thinks Gloria's absence is all a stunt. Didn't Agatha Christie do the same thing decades ago? But when both a ransom note and Gloria's dog, Sir Arfer Conan Doyle, turn up, Faith quickly realizes the danger could be real. In exchange for Gloria's safe return, the kidnapper wants not only the stunning diamond necklace the author stowed away in the manor's safe, he also demands a priceless, one-of-a-kind handmade book from the library's collection. Is it all a public spectacle, or has something royally dreadful happened to the author? Despite Charlotte's wishes, Faith begins to investigate. She can't help but wonder if Charlotte knows more about the kidnapping than she is letting on. After all, publicity for Gloria is also publicity for Castleton Manor. Meanwhile, the remaining authors don't seem all that concerned about Gloria being gone. Without her around, their stars will shine brighter than Gloria's diamonds. And what about the disgruntled fan who seems more than a little obsessed with her favorite author? Any one of them, or the other castle guests, could be behind the plot. To restore Gloria to safety, Faith will need all the help she can get from her best friends, tuxedo cat Watson and the trusty members of the Candle House Book Club. But can they find the interloping perpetrator before Gloria's deposed-permanently?… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
Faith Newberry and her cat Watson help with Simmering Suspense Week at Castleton Manor. When their "headliner" disappears, the question is did she leave of her own accord because she was anxious, stage a disappearance as part of the suspense for Shimmering Suspense Week, or is foul play involved?

Come to think of it, considering that Castleton Manor's announcement that there were unexpected suspense surprises to come, I'm surprised they didn't try to spin Gloria's disappearance as one of these "unexpected surprises" as a mystery for the guests to solve. Though I do admire their honesty.

I didn't really figure out the perpetrator before it was revealed but that is my norm so your experience may vary. ( )
  JenniferRobb | Aug 29, 2022 |
It's Simmering Suspense Week at Castleton Manor. Three authors are in-house for the suspense themed retreat...one is quite famous and the other two are lesser known writers. Castleton Manor librarian Faith Newberry is excited about the suspense retreat because it has gone over well. The event is sold out! Her excitement quickly turns to panic when famous author Gloria Bauer disappears after leaving her first event of the week early. Then a ransom note turns up. Maybe this won't be such a great week after all? Faith is on the case to search for the missing author. Turns out much more is at stake than a ruined retreat.....

I am really enjoying this series so far! The Grim Reader is the 3rd book in the Secrets of the Castleton Manor Library series. I love the background theme of a writers retreat that holds writer and book enthusiast retreat weeks with interesting themes. This time, suspense novelists are at the manor....makes for a great mystery! The plot develops at a nice pace with plenty of suspects and surprises along the way. I like how the guests and authors are allowed to bring pets with them. Faith's cat Watson is a great side character. This time one of the authors brought a pet that has the cutest dog name I have ever come across -- Sir Arfer Conan Doyle. Love it!

This series is published by Annie's Fiction (part of Annie's Attic) and released as part of a book club with a monthly subscription. Luckily, a wonderful person donated most of this series to my local library! :) I had to look online to find the reading order and book list because the books do not have a list of the books in this series. The series is written by various authors. The books are hardcover with nice cover art...quite attractive.

All in all, an entertaining cozy series. I will definitely continue reading. :) ( )
  JuliW | Nov 22, 2020 |
näyttää 2/2
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It's Simmering Suspense Week at the Castleton Manor literary retreat in Lighthouse Bay, Massachusetts. Librarian Faith Newberry has her hands full with a week of author talks and signings planned. But when the bejeweled guest of honor, reigning queen of romantic suspense Gloria Bauer, clears out her luxurious suite and disappears without a trace, Faith must scramble to keep the manor's other guests-and her cranky boss, Marlene Russell-satisfied with one less author. Charlotte Jaxon, Castleton's owner, thinks Gloria's absence is all a stunt. Didn't Agatha Christie do the same thing decades ago? But when both a ransom note and Gloria's dog, Sir Arfer Conan Doyle, turn up, Faith quickly realizes the danger could be real. In exchange for Gloria's safe return, the kidnapper wants not only the stunning diamond necklace the author stowed away in the manor's safe, he also demands a priceless, one-of-a-kind handmade book from the library's collection. Is it all a public spectacle, or has something royally dreadful happened to the author? Despite Charlotte's wishes, Faith begins to investigate. She can't help but wonder if Charlotte knows more about the kidnapping than she is letting on. After all, publicity for Gloria is also publicity for Castleton Manor. Meanwhile, the remaining authors don't seem all that concerned about Gloria being gone. Without her around, their stars will shine brighter than Gloria's diamonds. And what about the disgruntled fan who seems more than a little obsessed with her favorite author? Any one of them, or the other castle guests, could be behind the plot. To restore Gloria to safety, Faith will need all the help she can get from her best friends, tuxedo cat Watson and the trusty members of the Candle House Book Club. But can they find the interloping perpetrator before Gloria's deposed-permanently?

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