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Judah's Scepter and the Sacred Stone

Tekijä: D A Brittain

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232997,402 (5)-
Princess Teia, daughter of Judah's last king, begins a harrowing journey after she's rescued by the prophet Jeremiah from the burning city of Jerusalem. They flee to Egypt, where amid Teia's efforts to cope with devastating loss comes an unexpected awakening of her heart when she meets Eochaid, a foreign prince. The two young nobles fall in love, but are soon forced to part and follow their preordained destinies of ruling separate nations. Against the backdrop of daring escapes on land and sea, raging sword battles, and deadly sorcerers, an emotional journey ensues across multiple continents for both Teia and Eochaid. All the while they're unaware that God's steady hand guides their paths as part of his plan to restore Judah's everlasting throne--as symbolized by the sacred stone that Jacob once used as a pillow in the wilderness. Keywords: Adventure, Romance, Inspirational, Biblical, Christian, Historical, Fiction, Religious, Fantasy, Series… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
Jerusalem is burning, destroyed by King Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonian soldiers, but Yahweh’s prophet, Jeremiah, rescues Princess Teia Tamar, the daughter of Judah’s fallen, and last, king. A small group flees to Egypt where the refugees settle and Teia meets Prince Eochaid of Erin. Despite their feelings for each other, the two young people part, headed in separate directions and each with an inescapable calling they must fulfill.

What does the future hold for the prince and the princess? And how will the people react to Jeremiah’s prophecies?

Wrapped around the Stone of Scone and a present-day coronation in England, this fascinating story of possible events plays out against an ancient struggle between faith, love, duty, and power. The narrative, anchored by its strong sense of place, offers reader a meticulous weaving of Biblical prophecy and promise into a carefully-researched historical chronicle of romance and desire. Filled with well-defined, nuanced characters, the central story belongs to Eochaid and Teia both of whom struggle with discovering their places in the world and their responsibilities to their people. Although Teia tends toward being a damsel-in-distress in need of rescue, her character feels appropriate and well within keeping of the time in which the story is set.

Readers will find themselves caught up in the excitement as the unfolding story takes them from battles on land to danger on the seas, all playing out against the various cultures and political intrigues of the time. Unexpected plot twists offer some surprises but the various plot lines come together as the story concludes. While many readers are sure to be disappointed that the story doesn’t focus a bit more on the prophet Jeremiah, there is much to appreciate here.

Three appendices follow the story: the Hebrew religious calendar, Biblical references, and a selected bibliography.

Highly recommended. ( )
  jfe16 | May 27, 2020 |
I received this book through the Goodreads Give-away. D.A. Brittain is an excellent writer, combining biblical history with fiction. ( )
  kaylynvh | Oct 31, 2018 |
näyttää 2/2
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Princess Teia, daughter of Judah's last king, begins a harrowing journey after she's rescued by the prophet Jeremiah from the burning city of Jerusalem. They flee to Egypt, where amid Teia's efforts to cope with devastating loss comes an unexpected awakening of her heart when she meets Eochaid, a foreign prince. The two young nobles fall in love, but are soon forced to part and follow their preordained destinies of ruling separate nations. Against the backdrop of daring escapes on land and sea, raging sword battles, and deadly sorcerers, an emotional journey ensues across multiple continents for both Teia and Eochaid. All the while they're unaware that God's steady hand guides their paths as part of his plan to restore Judah's everlasting throne--as symbolized by the sacred stone that Jacob once used as a pillow in the wilderness. Keywords: Adventure, Romance, Inspirational, Biblical, Christian, Historical, Fiction, Religious, Fantasy, Series

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