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Xtra Tuf! (No. 5)

Tekijä: Moe Bowstern

Sarjat: Xtra Tuf (Number 5)

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242956,474 (3.75)1
Meet Moe Bowstern: writer, fisherwoman, and tough cookie. Moe is a woman working in the male-dominated commercial fishing industry of Alaska's Kodiak Island and the fifth issue of the Xtra Tuf zine is her story, as Moe puts it, "The stories presented in these pages are just a few views of a complicated history. I hope reading them provides some insights into the tremendous challenges facing those who reap the seas." Winner of the 2007 Lilla Jewel Award, and sporting special letter press covers featuring more than 30 different color schemes, it tells a tale of dissent and frustration. Not only the story of a people's struggle, it's a social history and love-letter to the ancient rites and rituals of sustenance fishing. In Moe's writing you smell the salt air and land breezes. You see sunsets from the deck of the boat and feel the pitching waters. And, above all, you meet--and then know--all the earnest, hilarious, conflicted, hardworking folks who populate her narrative.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
[Review originally published on NewPages.com]

If you haven’t read Xtra Tuf, you are missing out on one of the more interesting and unique zines out there. Moe is a semi-retired commercial fisherwoman with plenty of tales still to tell about her years in the salmon fishing industry. This new paperback issue tells all about the history of strikes in the industry around the area of Kodiak Island, Alaska, which is where Moe spent most of her time working. It’s a dense issue, not always easy reading, but the content is fascinating, especially for anyone interested in labor issues (which, if you work, should mean you). Moe also does a good job of characterizing the fishing community around Kodiak, and the reader gets a clear picture of the different types of people who live around there. This is an engaging read worth seeking out. ( )
  S.D. | Apr 4, 2014 |
Sad but true: Deadliest Catch has made me far more appreciative of Moe's zine now than when I first tried to read it a few years ago. ( )
  alycias | Apr 4, 2013 |
näyttää 2/2

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Xtra Tuf (Number 5)
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Meet Moe Bowstern: writer, fisherwoman, and tough cookie. Moe is a woman working in the male-dominated commercial fishing industry of Alaska's Kodiak Island and the fifth issue of the Xtra Tuf zine is her story, as Moe puts it, "The stories presented in these pages are just a few views of a complicated history. I hope reading them provides some insights into the tremendous challenges facing those who reap the seas." Winner of the 2007 Lilla Jewel Award, and sporting special letter press covers featuring more than 30 different color schemes, it tells a tale of dissent and frustration. Not only the story of a people's struggle, it's a social history and love-letter to the ancient rites and rituals of sustenance fishing. In Moe's writing you smell the salt air and land breezes. You see sunsets from the deck of the boat and feel the pitching waters. And, above all, you meet--and then know--all the earnest, hilarious, conflicted, hardworking folks who populate her narrative.

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