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Foolproof, and Other Mathematical Meditations

Tekijä: Brian Hayes

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
422570,358 (3.25)-
A non-mathematician explores mathematical terrain, reporting accessibly and engagingly on topics from Sudoku to probability. Brian Hayes wants to convince us that mathematics is too important and too much fun to be left to the mathematicians. Foolproof, and Other Mathematical Meditations is his entertaining and accessible exploration of mathematical terrain both far-flung and nearby, bringing readers tidings of mathematical topics from Markov chains to Sudoku. Hayes, a non-mathematician, argues that mathematics is not only an essential tool for understanding the world but also a world unto itself, filled with objects and patterns that transcend earthly reality. In a series of essays, Hayes sets off to explore this exotic terrain, and takes the reader with him. Math has a bad reputation: dull, difficult, detached from daily life. As a talking Barbie doll opined, "Math class is tough." But Hayes makes math seem fun. Whether he's tracing the genealogy of a well-worn anecdote about a famous mathematical prodigy, or speculating about what would happen to a lost ball in the nth dimension, or explaining that there are such things as quasirandom numbers, Hayes wants readers to share his enthusiasm. That's why he imagines a cinematic treatment of the discovery of the Riemann zeta function ("The year: 1972. The scene: Afternoon tea in Fuld Hall at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey"), explains that there is math in Sudoku after all, and describes better-than-average averages. Even when some of these essays involve a hike up the learning curve, the view from the top is worth it.… (lisätietoja)

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Perché la matematica dà sempre sorprese

Nelle prime righe di questo libro Hayes scrive "la matematica è troppo divertente per essere lasciata solo ai matematici". Aggiunge inoltre che lui non è un cittadino di Matelandia, ma una persona che si è trasferita lì e ha cercato di comprendere usi e costumi dei suoi cittadini. In effetti la sua formazione è più da informatico, tanto che negli anni '80 teneva la rubrica di Computer Recreations sullo Scientific American, mentre ora scrive su American Scientist. Lo troviamo così a dissezionare il famosissimo aneddoto di Gauss bimbetto e la somma della serie di numeri trovata al volo, tracciando le innumerevoli versioni per capire come il folklore matematico abbia man mano abbellito la storia; nel frattempo spiega come la differenza tra l'approccio del giovane Carl Frederick e quello di un programma al computer abbia ripercussioni importanti. Ma molte di queste meditazioni matematiche, pur non entrando a fondo nella teoria sottostante, sono davvero interessanti: segnalo quella sui numeri quasicasuali, sullo spettro del Riemannio (una correlazione a prima vista inimmaginabile tra gli zeri della zeta di Riemann e gli spettri degli elementi chimici), su un modo alternativo alla virgola mobile di memorizzare i numeri su un computer, che permette di aumentare l'ampiezza dei numeri rappresentabili conservando una estrema precisione nei valori prossimi allo zero, e soprattutto il gioco di Zenone. Una gioia per appassionati e semplici turisti! ( )
  .mau. | Apr 25, 2023 |
Like another reviewer said this is one of the best pop-math books I’ve read. Everything is fresh and there’s little repetition of common stories and mathematics that are often repeated in other pop-math books. ( )
  porges | Nov 22, 2020 |
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A non-mathematician explores mathematical terrain, reporting accessibly and engagingly on topics from Sudoku to probability. Brian Hayes wants to convince us that mathematics is too important and too much fun to be left to the mathematicians. Foolproof, and Other Mathematical Meditations is his entertaining and accessible exploration of mathematical terrain both far-flung and nearby, bringing readers tidings of mathematical topics from Markov chains to Sudoku. Hayes, a non-mathematician, argues that mathematics is not only an essential tool for understanding the world but also a world unto itself, filled with objects and patterns that transcend earthly reality. In a series of essays, Hayes sets off to explore this exotic terrain, and takes the reader with him. Math has a bad reputation: dull, difficult, detached from daily life. As a talking Barbie doll opined, "Math class is tough." But Hayes makes math seem fun. Whether he's tracing the genealogy of a well-worn anecdote about a famous mathematical prodigy, or speculating about what would happen to a lost ball in the nth dimension, or explaining that there are such things as quasirandom numbers, Hayes wants readers to share his enthusiasm. That's why he imagines a cinematic treatment of the discovery of the Riemann zeta function ("The year: 1972. The scene: Afternoon tea in Fuld Hall at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey"), explains that there is math in Sudoku after all, and describes better-than-average averages. Even when some of these essays involve a hike up the learning curve, the view from the top is worth it.

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