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The stupendously spectacular spelling bee

Tekijä: Deborah Abela

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
354702,008 (3.83)-
Terribly shy, India Wimple is brilliant at spelling and her loving family will do whatever it takes to help her compete in a televised national spelling bee in Sydney, Australia.

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näyttää 4/4
Note: I accessed digital review copies of this book through Edelweiss and NetGalley. ( )
  fernandie | Sep 15, 2022 |
*** I was given a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review ***

This book is a PSA wrapped up in a wordy bow with glitter on top. It showcases a little girl named India Wimple who is anxious and afraid to make her dream happen. She has a very strong support network of family and friends. This cheering section boosts her confidence so that she not only believes in herself more but she learns to overcome her anxiety of doing something she's awesome at, spelling, in front of an crowd. Once she wrangles her fears she signs up for the spelling bee and the rest is history.

This book is not afraid to tackle difficult topics like dealing with both chronic/life threatening illness and financial strife. LOVE that!! (Not the financial strife bit but bringing into the light topics that some would rather brush under the rug).

I won't give away too much, especially since the unconditional love and support are what truly makes this book shine, but I will say that the overall take home messages are sweet and poignant and something I will definitely pass along to my little girl when we read this one together. Not only will she broaden her vocabulary with new snazzy words, she will also be exposed to the beautiful messages that show her the power of supportive kindness and that anything is possible if you believe in yourself!

Great read with great illustrations!! ( )
  BethYacoub | Sep 22, 2019 |
Shy and introverted readers may well take heart in India's stupendous achievement of participating in the national spelling bee. The support of the quirky Wimple family is portrayed as cozy and loving which especially comes through when India's confidence flags. A gentle and heartening story about overcoming obstacles and tamping down the inside negative voice that wants to convince you you're not good enough. ( )
  Salsabrarian | Nov 7, 2018 |
*I received a free copy of this book from the publisher through Netgalley. This is an honest review.*

The Stupendously Spectacular Spelling Bee is easily one of my favorite reads of the year so far. It follows the adventures of India Wimple–a girl who is very good at spelling. Her family encourages her to enter the next spelling bee, but she’s anxious about standing up in front of a crowd to spell. However, her community helps her overcome her fear, and she ends up signing up.

This book is heartwarming and thoroughly enjoyable. I loved how much it focused on family and community support without shying away from difficult topics like chronic illness and financial stress. India’s little brother has debilitating asthma, and they are in constant worry of him having a serious asthma attack. On top of that, India’s family has come upon rough times and doesn’t have very much money to spare. However, while they go through tough times with these issues, they rely on each other for support and find happiness in supporting each other and loving one another. India’s family has her back for whatever she needs, and are constantly cheering her on. It also shows a wonderful sibling relationship, where India is always worried about her little brother having a bad asthma attack, and he’s always encouraging her to be braver and have more confidence in herself. This is the sort of book that should be in classrooms and that children should be encouraged to read.

I also enjoyed the illustrations, since they help set a fun, positive atmosphere, even when the story is dealing with serious topics.

Aside from having wonderful words for children to learn for vocabulary and spelling, it has a positive message about achieving your dreams, being kind to others, and supporting the ones you care for. It’s absolutely lovely, and I can’t wait to buy it as gifts for the children in my life.

Also posted on Purple People Readers. ( )
  sedelia | Apr 10, 2018 |
näyttää 4/4
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Terribly shy, India Wimple is brilliant at spelling and her loving family will do whatever it takes to help her compete in a televised national spelling bee in Sydney, Australia.

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