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Black Dawn

Tekijä: Mallory McCartney

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1981,150,567 (3.25)-
"The end of an Empire, The rise of a Queen." Emory Fae enjoys leading a quiet, normal life that is until two mysterious, and dare I say hand-some soldiers show up at her apartment doorstep and the life she knew is instantly whisked away. Coming from the magical and ravaged world of Kiero, Emory is brought back not realiz-ing that both men are darkly woven in her past. Discovering she is the long lost heir to the Royal Line Emory is thrown into Black Dawn Rebellion with a dynamic role to ignite the rebels and reclaim her throne. With both lives clashing Emory uncovers hidden secrets from her past, a power held long dormant, and will soon realize there are worse things than supernatural humans, love, loss, betrayal, and a Mad King. Some things are better left in the shadows.… (lisätietoja)

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 8) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
a bit slow and confusing at first but it definitely picked up
I recommend it. ( )
  biancawhite | Jul 24, 2023 |
Full Review on my blog

*a copy was provided by NetGalley*

This book just proves how I judge a book by its cover. Black Dawn is gifted with such a mesmerizing cover, it is impossible not to catch your eye and make you want to know more about what lies beyond the cover.

Black Dawn is a very short dystopian/YA fantasy. It was slow go and confusing at the beginning, since it started in an awkward place and like 100 POVs. Honestly, this book has an interesting story. It has a very great concept too. It just fell short on the narrating and some other part.

Black Dawn tells the story Emory, Memphis and Brokk. Emory is the long lost queen and she must save her people from Adair, their mad king.
Emory didn't know she was a queen or that she had a special ability until Memphis and Brokk brought her back to Kiero. It's hard for her to believe everything they say because she doesn't have her memories of what happened in Kiero when she was younger... Memphis and Brokk are trying to help her by giving her, her old memories, and are trying to convince her to fight Adair, but will she believe them?

This story is full of secrets, betrayal, love and loss! There were so many plot twists, it had me glued to the pages wondering just what would happen next.

Some parts were...mehh. I really wish there was more character development...

Black Dawn also reminded me of The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer and The Starlight Gods by Yumoyori Wilson, I mean the whole "kidnaped princess" / "hide the princesses on a different planet" thing was really similar to those two series, but otherwise Black Dawn was kinda unique, maybe. But now that I'm thinking about it, it's really like The Starlight Gods series, with the "bad guy" trying to take over the world or whatever, and the "princess" is the only hope. Ooh on that note it also kinda reminds me of Crimson Ash by Haley Sulich in a few ways.

Overall, this book was good. Really it is. It just fell short for me. There are parts that I actually like but there are more parts that I dislike. I would still recommend it.

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  AnaCarter | Feb 15, 2023 |
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A Fantasy story in a new world that will blow your mind!

Emory is a plain girl living alone. One night the lights go off at her apartment and her whole life changes. Nothing will be the same again and almost anything she knew is fake! How is she going to comply to this new life? And why did she had those nightmares for all these years now?

This is how abruptly the book begins and the reader is transferred right into the action. The author does not spend any time to give hints on the characters. She rather lets them to be revealed throughout the course of the story. The reader gets to know of them, firsthand, as the story is being told from many different point of views.

There is Memphis, the strong Commander of the Academy. He is their leader and they trust him. When they find out he has been lying to them, he will have to prove himself for them to trust him again. He seems to be also a man in love. However, from what is hidden between the lines, he has his own agenda.

Emory is the long lost heir to the throne that Adair has arrogated. But she has been away all these years, while her people have suffered. Now, she has to re-gain control of the government and restore peace. But how easy is that? And what happens when her heart falls for a man? Does she have the courage to go through with it?

Brokk is a favorite, from the very beginning. He is the guy that has lost the most and he is still suffering. He is the one that will always help those in need and in good cause, no matter how this makes him feel. He is the quiet power that is expected to explode some time soon, maybe in one of the next in the series.

There are more characters that hold parts of the story and that is one of the captivating abilities of the author to bind the reader to the story. It is a fascinating story all along, with people fighting for their freedom, one of the strongest motives ever. But McCartney has a way to twist and turn the plot to make it more appealing and to provide a view that no one would imagine. ( )
  GeorgiaKo | Dec 1, 2020 |
I'm frustrated with Emory.
I'm mad at Memphis.
I wan't to hug Brokk.
Nyx sucks. ( )
  Shahnareads | Oct 22, 2019 |
Ms McCartney appears to have used friends as beta readers, not hard-hearted and serious reviewers. The book is very thin on plot and characterization and is illogical and unintuitive. People would not behave the way the characters do so what set of circumstances allows them to behave irrationally? They aren't human, I get it, but if they are not going to act like humans, we need to know why.

The editing is minimal, and the breathless pace of the action does not provide time for baths, or sleep.

I received a review copy of "Black Dawn: Black Dawn #1" by Mallory McCartney (Clean Reads) through NetGalley.com. ( )
1 ääni Dokfintong | Dec 16, 2017 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 8) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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"The end of an Empire, The rise of a Queen." Emory Fae enjoys leading a quiet, normal life that is until two mysterious, and dare I say hand-some soldiers show up at her apartment doorstep and the life she knew is instantly whisked away. Coming from the magical and ravaged world of Kiero, Emory is brought back not realiz-ing that both men are darkly woven in her past. Discovering she is the long lost heir to the Royal Line Emory is thrown into Black Dawn Rebellion with a dynamic role to ignite the rebels and reclaim her throne. With both lives clashing Emory uncovers hidden secrets from her past, a power held long dormant, and will soon realize there are worse things than supernatural humans, love, loss, betrayal, and a Mad King. Some things are better left in the shadows.

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