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Livia Lone

Tekijä: Barry Eisler

Sarjat: Livia Lone (1)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
25728105,311 (4.09)3
"An absolutely first-rate thriller." --New York Times Book Review Seattle PD sex-crimes detective Livia Lone knows the monsters she hunts. Sold by her Thai parents along with her little sister, Nason; abused by the men who trafficked them; marooned in America...the only thing that kept Livia alive as a teenager was her determination to find Nason. Livia has never stopped looking. And she copes with her failure to protect her sister by doing everything she can to put predators in prison. Or, when that fails, by putting them in the ground. But when a fresh lead offers new hope of finding Nason and the men who trafficked them both, Livia will have to go beyond just being a cop. Beyond even being a vigilante. She'll have to relive the horrors of the past. Take on one of the most powerful men in the US government. And uncover a conspiracy of almost unimaginable evil. In every way, it's an unfair fight. But Livia has two advantages: her unending love for Nason-- And a lifelong lust for vengeance.… (lisätietoja)

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englanti (27)  espanja (1)  Kaikki kielet (28)
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 28) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Excellent action thriller exposing rather dirty but ever-present industry revolving around slavery and human trafficking. It is truly horrendous how some people are willing to live off the agony of their fellow men - especially children that cannot confront and resist them in any way.

Story is told from two perspectives (changing chapter after chapter) - overview of Livia's childhood and her current actions (as acting police officer) while she is trying to find the slavers that caused her so much pain and grief.

I truly enjoy level of details author always provides in his novels (I mean how often do you find a thriller with indexes, URL links to sites with additional information and in general real-life information related to the story) and I cannot recommend this novel highly enough.

If you enjoyed Rain's novels then you will love this one.

Highly recommended to all fans of thrillers and Barry Eisler's works in general. ( )
  Zare | Jan 23, 2024 |
Violence porn. Blargh ( )
  postsign | Dec 28, 2023 |
3.4 ( )
  Mcdede | Jul 19, 2023 |
La detective de delitos sexuales de la policía de Seattle, Livia Lone, conoce los monstruos que caza. Vendida por sus padres tailandeses junto con su hermana, Nason; abandonada en América; abusada por los hombres que las traficaron... lo único que mantuvo viva a Livia cuando era adolescente fue su determinación de encontrar a Nason.
Livia nunca ha dejado de buscar. Y se enfrenta a su incapacidad para proteger a su hermana haciendo todo lo posible para encarcelar a los deprdadores.
O, cuando eso falla, metiéndolos bajo tierra.
Pero, cuando una nueva pista ofrece una nueva esperanza de encontrar a Naso y a los hombres que las traficaron a ambas, Livia tendrá que ir más allá de ser simplemente policía. Más allá incluso de ser una justiciera. Tendrá que revivir los horrores del pasado.
  Natt90 | Feb 3, 2023 |
Very well written with a seamless movement between past and present stories. ( )
  Brian-B | Nov 30, 2022 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 28) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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"An absolutely first-rate thriller." --New York Times Book Review Seattle PD sex-crimes detective Livia Lone knows the monsters she hunts. Sold by her Thai parents along with her little sister, Nason; abused by the men who trafficked them; marooned in America...the only thing that kept Livia alive as a teenager was her determination to find Nason. Livia has never stopped looking. And she copes with her failure to protect her sister by doing everything she can to put predators in prison. Or, when that fails, by putting them in the ground. But when a fresh lead offers new hope of finding Nason and the men who trafficked them both, Livia will have to go beyond just being a cop. Beyond even being a vigilante. She'll have to relive the horrors of the past. Take on one of the most powerful men in the US government. And uncover a conspiracy of almost unimaginable evil. In every way, it's an unfair fight. But Livia has two advantages: her unending love for Nason-- And a lifelong lust for vengeance.

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