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Love By Design (Aloha, #6)

Tekijä: Chris Keniston

Sarjat: Aloha Series (6| sweet version)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
433,512,630 (5)-
The smartest things architect Ava Everrett had done in a long time was to tell off her chauvinist employer and to unload her freeloading ex. Now, back home in Kona with friends and family, her life is falling into place: a coveted dream project, a fun office renovation, and a sexy new guy. What could possibly go wrong?Convinced that women only want him for his money, billionaire international developer John Maplewood doesn't believe in love. While visiting his sister in Kona, he embraces the chance to be just a regular guy in a world where friends, family, and falling in love matter. His only problem? How to keep the girl once she learns who he really is.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatLashea677, Pam50627, Jullievg

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näyttää 3/3
Love By Design: Sweet and Clean Edition (Sweet Aloha Series Book 6) by Chris Keniston  
Beautiful scenery, unforgettable romance and inspiring true to life dialogue make Love by Design just as sweetly intoxicating the second time around. Life is not always a fairytale, but heaven awaits if we tackle the heartaches with an open heart and an open mind. Chris Keniston merges my addiction with renovation with my hard to resist romance and creates her own piece of utopia. 
  ( )
  Lashea677 | Feb 16, 2019 |
Chris Keniston has a style of writing that pulls you into the story immediately & keeps you involved. She is very descriptive and manages to hook your emotions with her words. Her plot line is easy to follow & her characters are well developed & likeable. The family life is depicted exactly the way any large family would interact with no privacy & lots of love. There was drama & twists & turns that were unexpected just like real life.

Loved this book! This book can be read as a stand alone since I was not lost in any way. It engaged my emotions & kept me fully involved so that I read the entire book in 1 sitting. ( )
  Pam50627 | Feb 25, 2018 |
I was pulled into the book immediately by Chris's style of writing. She is very descriptive and manages to hook your emotions with her words. Her plot line is easy to follow & her characters are well developed & likeable. The family life is depicted exactly the way any large family would interact with no privacy & lots of love. The chemistry is hot & intense even though they were constantly interrupted so they couldn't act on it. There was drama & twists & turns that were unexpected just like real life.

Loved this book! This is the first book in the series that I've read but I will be buying the rest of the series. It can be read as a stand alone since I was not lost in any way. It engaged my emotions & kept me fully involved so that I read the entire book in 1 sitting.

I received an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest opinion & all thoughts & feelings expressed here are my own. ( )
  Pam50627 | Sep 14, 2016 |
näyttää 3/3
ei arvosteluja | lisää arvostelu

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Aloha Series (6| sweet version)
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The smartest things architect Ava Everrett had done in a long time was to tell off her chauvinist employer and to unload her freeloading ex. Now, back home in Kona with friends and family, her life is falling into place: a coveted dream project, a fun office renovation, and a sexy new guy. What could possibly go wrong?Convinced that women only want him for his money, billionaire international developer John Maplewood doesn't believe in love. While visiting his sister in Kona, he embraces the chance to be just a regular guy in a world where friends, family, and falling in love matter. His only problem? How to keep the girl once she learns who he really is.

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