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The Fixer: The Naked Man

Tekijä: Jill Amy Rosenblatt

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
622,687,980 (4.5)-
"Katerina-I need some help. Be a good girl and come over here and I'll make it worth your while. " It's an offer NYC college student Katerina Mills should refuse. But how can she? A desperate situation ...After ditching her cheating lover (and boss), she's stuck in dead end temp jobs. Her dad just ditched her mom and his promise to pay Kat's college tuition bill. She has two weeks to come up with $14,000 or she's out of her apartment, out of school, and out of luck. A dangerous world ...Katerina falls into a job as a "fixer" for New York City's wealthy and privileged men. They have problems they need "fixed," quick and on the QT, and they're willing to pay. The rules are simple: collect the money, use your contacts, fix the problem. Kat's first job is easy: tail a shopaholic socialite wife. But who's tailing Kat? Kat's second job is not so easy: steal a VHS tape hidden in an antique chest. She can't do it alone. To be a thief, she needs a thief: handsome, reclusive Alexander Winter to be exact. Kat soon learns the real rules for a fixer: there are no rules, there are no refunds. Get in. Get results. Get gone. As every step brings her closer to her goal and closer to danger, there's one rule left for Katerina Mills to learn: once you're in, there's no getting out.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
Book source ~ NetGalley

Katerina “Kat” Mills has an idea of what a “fixer” is. She used to help her former boss/lover, lawyer Phil Castle do the fixing for wealthy clients, but she barely scratched the surface of that particular world before she dumped Phil’s ass. Now, working in dead end mind-numbing temp jobs she answers her phone late one night to one of Phil’s clients. Joe Lessing is in a panic. He needs a fixer and he can’t get ahold of Phil. He begs Kat to help and when he offers a substantial amount of cash to do it, she accepts. This event sets off a chain reaction and before she knows it Kat has begun her first real foray into the fixer world. What has she gotten herself into?

I read books. I watch movies. I know what a fixer is. I know there are different aspects of fixing. But this story really puts it into perspective. Kat is in way over her head. It’s not just the reader who knows this. Kat knows it, too. But she needs the money and she’s smart and a quick thinker. So away she goes. Kat is awesome, other characters are interesting (especially Alexander Winter) and the world is fascinating. Kat’s not bad for a newbie, but I’m scared for her. This is a dangerous world and I really don’t like Phil. I do look forward to more books in this series. ( )
  AVoraciousReader | Nov 16, 2019 |
See publisher's blurb for plot clues. Well crafted suspense told by Katerina herself. Altogether too believable tale of desperation and working to overcome many things at once. Looking forward to next in series! ( )
  jetangen4571 | Sep 19, 2016 |
näyttää 2/2
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"Katerina-I need some help. Be a good girl and come over here and I'll make it worth your while. " It's an offer NYC college student Katerina Mills should refuse. But how can she? A desperate situation ...After ditching her cheating lover (and boss), she's stuck in dead end temp jobs. Her dad just ditched her mom and his promise to pay Kat's college tuition bill. She has two weeks to come up with $14,000 or she's out of her apartment, out of school, and out of luck. A dangerous world ...Katerina falls into a job as a "fixer" for New York City's wealthy and privileged men. They have problems they need "fixed," quick and on the QT, and they're willing to pay. The rules are simple: collect the money, use your contacts, fix the problem. Kat's first job is easy: tail a shopaholic socialite wife. But who's tailing Kat? Kat's second job is not so easy: steal a VHS tape hidden in an antique chest. She can't do it alone. To be a thief, she needs a thief: handsome, reclusive Alexander Winter to be exact. Kat soon learns the real rules for a fixer: there are no rules, there are no refunds. Get in. Get results. Get gone. As every step brings her closer to her goal and closer to danger, there's one rule left for Katerina Mills to learn: once you're in, there's no getting out.

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