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Perfectly Good Crime

Tekijä: Dete Meserve

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1631,324,294 (4.13)-
In this feel-good follow-up to the novel and Netflix film Good Sam, intrepid reporter Kate Bradley is back in a story that BuzzFeed calls "mysterious, fascinating, and inspiring." When burglars target the palatial estates of American billionaires in a series of high-tech heists, Kate must venture inside the world of the superrich to investigate the biggest story of the year. But the answers don't come easy. The Los Angeles police detective who's helping Kate with the case has mysteriously disappeared, Kate's senator father demands she stop investigating, and the billionaire victims refuse to talk to the media. Still, Kate uncovers clues that prove the crimes are anything but ordinary: those behind the robberies have shocking--but uplifting--motives that just may bring about powerful change. As the heists escalate, Kate faces a momentous decision that could jeopardize her deepening relationship with fire captain Eric Hayes. Saddled with obligations to the public, her career, and her own heart, Kate must trust her instincts in a high-stakes search that will test everything she believes and force her to decide where she belongs. Revised edition: This edition of Perfectly Good Crime includes editorial revisions.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 3/3
  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
indas Book Obsession Reviews “Perfectly Good Crime” by @Dete Meserve, Melrose Hill Publishing

Wow! Wow! Wow! I absolutely loved everything about “Perfectly Good Crime” by Author Dete Meserve. The Genres for this wonderful novel are Fiction, Mystery, Suspense and Romance. This is the second novel in the Kate Bradley Mystery Series, but can be read on its own merits. I enjoy a thought-provoking novel, and “Perfectly Good Crime” left me thinking, and yet, I lost another night sleeping, because I just couldn’t put this book down. The author describes her colorful characters as complex, complicated and intelligent. The time-line for this story is mostly in the present and goes back to the past when it pertains to the characters or events in the story.

Kate Bradley is a TV News Reporter in Los Angeles and finds herself in the middle of a demanding story, where billionaires, über wealthy people find themselves being robbed. The most sophisticated equipment is not able to keep the thieves away. Who could be capable of doing this? Why is this being done? As Kate continues to investigate, she finds that enough people want her stopped. A good friend is missing, and subtle threats are thrown her way.

What makes Kate’s job more difficult, is that it is almost impossible to get information from the victims, or the police. Also, whoever is behind this is encouraging a special type of change than can make a huge difference.

I highly recommend this intriguing, intense, captivating, riveting, and enthralling novel to readers who enjoy thought-provoking stories. Kudos to Dete Meserve, who always makes me realize that kindness is contagious. ( )
  teachlz | Apr 8, 2019 |
This is the first book I have read by this author and in this series. The first Kate Bradley Mystery is titled Good Sam. This book is the next book in the series. It can be read as a stand alone novel. There was a brief mention of events that Kate was recovering from in the first book but nothing that would take away from this book. I really liked Kate and that she did not want to settle with just being a news journalist but an investigative reporter. She has brains and a good knack for sniffing out the story. Although, my issue was that I did not really find the mystery surrounding the wealthy to be that engaging to me. What I mean by this is that I was not engaged in the characters or their situation. Yet this was a pretty fast read. I got to about a third of the way in and then the story just started to settle but than towards the end it did pick up again. I may go back and check out the first book in this series. ( )
  Cherylk | Jul 24, 2016 |
näyttää 3/3
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In this feel-good follow-up to the novel and Netflix film Good Sam, intrepid reporter Kate Bradley is back in a story that BuzzFeed calls "mysterious, fascinating, and inspiring." When burglars target the palatial estates of American billionaires in a series of high-tech heists, Kate must venture inside the world of the superrich to investigate the biggest story of the year. But the answers don't come easy. The Los Angeles police detective who's helping Kate with the case has mysteriously disappeared, Kate's senator father demands she stop investigating, and the billionaire victims refuse to talk to the media. Still, Kate uncovers clues that prove the crimes are anything but ordinary: those behind the robberies have shocking--but uplifting--motives that just may bring about powerful change. As the heists escalate, Kate faces a momentous decision that could jeopardize her deepening relationship with fire captain Eric Hayes. Saddled with obligations to the public, her career, and her own heart, Kate must trust her instincts in a high-stakes search that will test everything she believes and force her to decide where she belongs. Revised edition: This edition of Perfectly Good Crime includes editorial revisions.

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