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To Be a Duke

Tekijä: Emily-Jane Hills Orford

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117,780,167 (5)-
After experiencing an unhappy first year of his life, Duke believes that he has found his forever home. This is Duke's story of adjusting to life in a new home, a family that he quickly grows to love. Duke thrives and learns some tricks. He quickly discovers that his ability to howl is rewarded as a talent. Where he was once beaten for howling, his new musical family encourages it. Duke has boundless energy and his new family introduces him to agility where he excels. Duke discovers that he has a dignified name, something that he has to live up to. All Duke can do is try his best. When he excels in obedience classes and agility events, Duke realizes that he has found his niche. Life is good, especially when he learns how to be a Duke.… (lisätietoja)
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Reviewed by Faridah Nassozi for Readers' Favorite

Imagine leaving the comfort and warmth of your mother's protective paws, only to find yourself in a life of neglect and abuse. That is how Duke's story began, until he finally moved into his forever home with a lovely family where he would find his place in the world. This home promised to be just the place his mother had wished for him. To Be A Duke, by Emily-Jane Hills Orford, is a fictional story based on the life of an endearing puppy striving to find its place and purpose in the big human world that surrounded him. Follow the story of the adorable puppy, as told by Duke himself, from leaving his mother, through several homes until he landed in his forever home, with all the trials and adjustments he had to go through. And then came the training phase, a special time for both Duke and his forever family, filled with pure excitement and sometimes frustration but still a total thrill. Enjoy.

To Be A Duke by Emily-Jane Hills Orford is no ordinary puppy story. It is an emotional narration of the trials the little puppy went through before landing in its forever home. What was even more profound is how the scars left behind by that life stayed with Duke for a very long time. Even if he had found a loving family, his happiness was marred by the uncertainty of always thinking that the new life was too good to be true and would probably soon come to an end. The choice to let Duke tell his story was excellent and made the story even more touching as he narrated his experiences in the different homes. It is a really emotional narration that will make you think twice about your actions towards dogs,
and all animals in general. You do not know the inner workings of the mind of a puppy until you have read To Be A Duke. Emily-Jane Hills Orford did an incredible job and it left me with a new and more enlightened perspective on the life of dogs amidst the emotions, thrills and humor. I could not help but laugh out loud every time duke used statements like “this is the life.” ( )
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  Orford | Jul 5, 2016 |
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After experiencing an unhappy first year of his life, Duke believes that he has found his forever home. This is Duke's story of adjusting to life in a new home, a family that he quickly grows to love. Duke thrives and learns some tricks. He quickly discovers that his ability to howl is rewarded as a talent. Where he was once beaten for howling, his new musical family encourages it. Duke has boundless energy and his new family introduces him to agility where he excels. Duke discovers that he has a dignified name, something that he has to live up to. All Duke can do is try his best. When he excels in obedience classes and agility events, Duke realizes that he has found his niche. Life is good, especially when he learns how to be a Duke.

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