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When Mary Met the Colonel: A Pride and Prejudice Novella

Tekijä: Victoria Kincaid

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
632,687,980 (4.75)-
Without the beauty and wit of the older Bennet sisters or the liveliness of the younger, Mary is the Bennet sister most often overlooked. She has resigned herself to a life of loneliness, alleviated only by music and the occasional book of military history. Colonel Fitzwilliam finds himself envying his friends who are marrying wonderful women while he only attracts empty-headed flirts. He longs for a caring, well-informed woman who will see the man beneath the uniform. A chance meeting in Longbourn's garden during Darcy and Elizabeth's wedding breakfast kindles an attraction between Mary and the Colonel. However, the Colonel cannot act on these feelings since he must wed an heiress. He returns to war, although Mary finds she cannot easily forget him. Is happily ever after possible after Mary meets the Colonel?… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatOwl_Knest, Vesper1931, Chelsea_K, SilverThistle

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näyttää 3/3
In this Pride and Prejudice sequel, at the wedding of Darcy and Elizabeth, the Colonel escaping from the attentions of Kitty and Maria Lucas, rushes into the Longbourn garden. There he finds in a sheltered spot Mary Bennet. Has the Colonel finally found an intelligent lady, has Mary found some one who appreciates her.
Loved this tale though would have wished it to be much longer. For me the best of this author's stories.
Enjoyed again this delightful and well-written story ( )
  Vesper1931 | Jul 29, 2021 |
In this Pride and Prejudice sequel at the wedding of Darcy and Elizabeth, the Colonel escaping from the attentions of Kitty and Maria Lucas, rushes into the Longbourn garden. There he finds in a sheltered spot Mary Bennet. Has the Colonel finally found an intelligent lady, has Mary found some one who appreciates her.
Loved this tale. The only thing I didn't like was that it was much too short. ( )
  Vesper1931 | Jul 29, 2021 |
This book was really fun and I enjoyed seeing this portrayal of Mary Bennet and seeing how a relationship between her and Colonel Richard Fitzwilliam could potentially unfold and work out. The story was entertaining and the characters were all well written. I look forward to reading more by this author in the future.

There is also a decent length (12 page) excerpt from Victoria Kincaid's book Mr. Darcy to the Rescue: A Pride and Prejudice Variation at the end of the story as well as 1 page description's of another 2 of her books after that. ( )
1 ääni Chelsea_K | Jun 9, 2019 |
näyttää 3/3
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Without the beauty and wit of the older Bennet sisters or the liveliness of the younger, Mary is the Bennet sister most often overlooked. She has resigned herself to a life of loneliness, alleviated only by music and the occasional book of military history. Colonel Fitzwilliam finds himself envying his friends who are marrying wonderful women while he only attracts empty-headed flirts. He longs for a caring, well-informed woman who will see the man beneath the uniform. A chance meeting in Longbourn's garden during Darcy and Elizabeth's wedding breakfast kindles an attraction between Mary and the Colonel. However, the Colonel cannot act on these feelings since he must wed an heiress. He returns to war, although Mary finds she cannot easily forget him. Is happily ever after possible after Mary meets the Colonel?

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Keskiarvo: (4.75)
4.5 1
5 1

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