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Reflections From A Flaxen Past : For Love of Lithuanian Weaving

Tekijä: Kati Reeder Meek

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
952287,988 (4)-

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näyttää 2/2
What do you do with a book that (1) is written by a former member of our very own WGK, (2) is autobiographical in a personal and engaging manner, (3) provides a beautifully (full color) phototgraphed/illustrated and well-researched cultural/political history of a part of the world not very well known to Americans, (4) includes 25 traditional AN:D contemporary weaving and embroidery projects, beginner to advanced, (5) is thoroughly documented, with bibliography, glossary, index, and references, and (6) even includes a Linen Workshop to enable the reader to grow, spin and weave linen??? Definitely read it, feast your eyes on it, become inspired ad learn from it, whether your passion is weaving, embroidery, or spinning. Even if you would not ordinarily choose to weave ethnic designs or work with linen, you will very much enjoy Kati's experience with Lithuanian weaving, both before and after that country's liberation, and perhaps become inspired by this relatively unsung textile heritage, not to mention want to meet this lovely lady. [Reviewed and heartily recommended by Gail Ross who has added one of the projects to her ever-growing "life list" of weaving to do if there is ever enough time.]
  WeaversGuildKazoo | Nov 10, 2019 |
Wonderful book full of photos and interesting text. I'd never seen a copy and ordered it cold; when it arrived, I was blown away. I hadn't expected anything of this scope and amount of detail. Many, many historical photos of people, looms, & textile implements - many in use - and of buildings. Also many photos of handwoven clothing & other textiles. Interviews with contemporary weavers, both in Lithuania and elsewhere (some in the States). Detailed pages on processing flax to make linen thread, starting with the field of flax, on weaving with linen, and on finishing the woven cloth. Drawings & description of her "trapeze" method of warping. Various appendices, including a glossary and a list of museums with collections of Lithuanian textiles. Written with warmth and enormous respect for the weavers who have continued this tradition.
  acwbooks | Jan 31, 2014 |
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