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Blood Vow

Tekijä: J. R. Ward

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
5411645,342 (4.1)14
Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • J. R. Ward returns with an all-new tale of paranormal passion in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood.

The Black Dagger Brotherhood continues to train the best of the best to join them in the deadly battle against the Lessening Society. Among the new recruits, Axe proves to be a cunning and vicious fighter—and also a loner isolated because of personal tragedy. When an aristocratic female needs a bodyguard, Axe takes the job, though he’s unprepared for the animal attraction that flares between him and the one he is sworn to protect.

For Elise, who lost her first cousin to a grisly murder, Axe’s dangerous appeal is enticing—and possibly a distraction from her grief. But as they delve deeper into her cousin’s death, and their physical connection grows into so much more, Axe fears that the secrets he keeps and his tortured conscience will tear them apart.

Rhage, the Brother with the biggest heart, knows all about self-punishing, and he wants to help Axe reach his full potential. But when an unexpected arrival threatens Rhage and Mary’s new family, he finds himself back in the trenches again, fighting against a destiny that will destroy all he holds most dear.

As Axe’s past becomes known, and fate seems to be turning against Rhage, both males must reach deep—and pray that love, rather than anger, will be their lantern in the darkness.

Praise for Blood Vow

“Sharp, sexy, and funny.”New York Journal of Books

“Nonstop action, steamy sexual tension . . . and absorbing characters.”BookPage
“Packed with quietly gut-wrenching emotions, healing and sacrifice.”—Under the Covers

Praise for J. R. Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood series

“Utterly absorbing.”—Angela Knight

“To die for . . . I love this series!”—Suzanne Brockmann.
… (lisätietoja)

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Nel secondo volume della serie spin-off della Confraternita del Pugnale Nero, zia Ward si occupa di Axe, uno dei tirocinanti meno raccomandabili del gruppo, e di Elise, una ragazza con il fuoco nelle vene.

Axe ed Elise mi sono piaciuti un sacco (ma va’? Ward continua a essere la mia droga letteraria preferita): ho apprezzato che, nonostante la potente attrazione iniziale, si spenda tempo a sottolineare come costruire una relazione richieda più di un’ottima intesa sessuale e che (finalmente) certe tematiche femministe siano arrivate anche nei romance.

Il bersaglio di ogni critica in tal senso è sempre quell’ammasso di stronzi che è la glymera, la nobiltà, e mi piace vedere come Ward intrecci il problema della classe sociale con quello del sessismo. Stiamo parlando di un romanzo di puro intrattenimento, quindi non aspettatevi alte perle di critica sociale, ma il solo fatto che temi del genere si trovino in una serie così popolare mi manda in brodo di giuggiole.

Colui che qui impersona l’idea che maschi e femmine sono diversi e quindi il doppio standard è d’obbligo è Peyton: essendo il protagonista del prossimo volume della serie, mi aspetto che evolva il suo pensiero, capendo di essere un coglione. Penso che sarà interessante, anche perché farà coppia con Novo, che spero lo morda (e non in maniera piacevole) se si azzarda a rovesciarle addosso merda sessista.

E adesso parliamo di Rhage, Mary e Bitty. La perfezione, gente: anche se sai che finirà bene perché stai leggendo un romance e non chissà cosa, la loro vicenda mi ha straziato l’anima. Ward è stata immensa nel ribadire quanto il sangue non sia affatto importante nel creare legami familiari e che non c’è niente di inferiore nell’amore che lega genitori e figlia adottiva.

E grazie a Lassiter per il quadretto finale… ti voglio bene, angelo pazzo... ( )
  lasiepedimore | Sep 22, 2023 |
I just couldn't with the names. I skimmed from about 50% on. I didn't feel the chemistry between Axe and his client Elise. Also, I have no interest in reading about a culture that has the ability to lock up women without their consent and no one seems to want to change it. ( )
  msmattoon | Aug 24, 2023 |
Always a great story from the warden ( )
  Morgie99 | Jul 7, 2023 |
Loved it. I love the new generation of warriors and learning about each of them. I also love being able to visit with the Brothers. I look forward to the next book in the series. I want to see what happens with Peyton and Novo. ( )
  Z_Brarian | Dec 12, 2022 |
[b:Blood Vow|29496208|Blood Vow (Black Dagger Legacy, #2)|J.R. Ward|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1461428631s/29496208.jpg|49782231] by [a:J.R. Ward|20248|J.R. Ward|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1437768069p2/20248.jpg]
Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense
5 Stars

Loved it!
J.R. Ward never disappoints!

It was amazing. I didn't want to stop reading.

Lots of action.
Great world build.

Awesome characters.
I loved the main mc's, Axe & Elise. Not only does their story have passion and heat, but lots of suspense action.

Then we have Mary and Rhage. They have decided to foster Bitty and make her Theirs. They both love and adore her. Theirs is a bitter-sweet story. But Bitty has a living blooded uncle. They don't know if he will take Bitty from them and they try to prepare themselves for the worst.

On top of all that we get introduced to a new character. Ruhn. He definitely adds a lot of texture to the story.

Plenty of suspense and action on virtually every page.

Loved it! ( )
  bodebeabay | Sep 25, 2022 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 16) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
ei arvosteluja | lisää arvostelu

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Dedicated to: my Tatson, Dee. With all my love, xxx mummy
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There was a place in Axe's life for masks.
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • J. R. Ward returns with an all-new tale of paranormal passion in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood.

The Black Dagger Brotherhood continues to train the best of the best to join them in the deadly battle against the Lessening Society. Among the new recruits, Axe proves to be a cunning and vicious fighter—and also a loner isolated because of personal tragedy. When an aristocratic female needs a bodyguard, Axe takes the job, though he’s unprepared for the animal attraction that flares between him and the one he is sworn to protect.

For Elise, who lost her first cousin to a grisly murder, Axe’s dangerous appeal is enticing—and possibly a distraction from her grief. But as they delve deeper into her cousin’s death, and their physical connection grows into so much more, Axe fears that the secrets he keeps and his tortured conscience will tear them apart.

Rhage, the Brother with the biggest heart, knows all about self-punishing, and he wants to help Axe reach his full potential. But when an unexpected arrival threatens Rhage and Mary’s new family, he finds himself back in the trenches again, fighting against a destiny that will destroy all he holds most dear.

As Axe’s past becomes known, and fate seems to be turning against Rhage, both males must reach deep—and pray that love, rather than anger, will be their lantern in the darkness.

Praise for Blood Vow

“Sharp, sexy, and funny.”New York Journal of Books

“Nonstop action, steamy sexual tension . . . and absorbing characters.”BookPage
“Packed with quietly gut-wrenching emotions, healing and sacrifice.”—Under the Covers

Praise for J. R. Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood series

“Utterly absorbing.”—Angela Knight

“To die for . . . I love this series!”—Suzanne Brockmann.

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