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Lori Goldstein: Style Is Instinct

Tekijä: Lori Goldstein

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822,176,795 (5)-
A stunning anthology of the work of visionary stylist Lori Goldstein, whose interpretations of fashion and beauty have produced some of the most groundbreaking and iconic images in fashion and popular culture. Lori Goldstein: Style Is Instinct publishes for the first time in book form the work of one of the world's most highly regarded stylists. With a foreword by Steven Meisel, it features more than eighty astounding images that she created in collaboration with the world's finest photographers--including Annie Leibovitz, Mario Testino, Bruce Weber, Meisel, and many others--for fashion editorials, renowned advertising campaigns, and award-winning music videos. This striking volume captures Goldstein's personal credo, which has come to define her work--"everything goes with anything"--and displays her signature style, from her unique way of mixing and matching print and color to how she uses clothes to create images that go beyond glamour to the metaphysical, spiritual, and natural worlds. Four distinctive chapters--"The Sickness," "The Divine," "Harmonious Discord," and "Pop"--present these imaginative realms in alluring visual detail, accompanied by numerous personal anecdotes that provide insight into Goldstein's process of styling and her creative power, as well as the worlds of fashion, celebrity, and advertising. They highlight her talent for pushing beyond the edge of convention to create moments of individuality that transcend the norm as well as influence and transform our views on fashion, beauty, and popular culture. The publication of this extraordinary collection is a landmark in fashion and image making.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
I am a big fan of Lori Goldstein. I own a lot of her clothing from QVC. I picked up this book solely because I like her clothing so much.

This is a nice coffee table book, with many beautiful photos from her career as a stylist. The photos were pretty amazing. I don't usually take the time to scrutinize fashion photos, but in this case, I looked carefully at all of them. The photos were like works of art. Beautiful and interesting. There is some text, but not much. Most of the book is given over to the photographs. ( )
  readingover50 | Jun 11, 2019 |
A stunning anthology of the work of visionary stylist Lori Goldstein, whose interpretations of fashion and beauty have produced some of the most groundbreaking and iconic images in fashion and popular culture.
  CatalogoLDTM | Mar 29, 2019 |
näyttää 2/2
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A stunning anthology of the work of visionary stylist Lori Goldstein, whose interpretations of fashion and beauty have produced some of the most groundbreaking and iconic images in fashion and popular culture. Lori Goldstein: Style Is Instinct publishes for the first time in book form the work of one of the world's most highly regarded stylists. With a foreword by Steven Meisel, it features more than eighty astounding images that she created in collaboration with the world's finest photographers--including Annie Leibovitz, Mario Testino, Bruce Weber, Meisel, and many others--for fashion editorials, renowned advertising campaigns, and award-winning music videos. This striking volume captures Goldstein's personal credo, which has come to define her work--"everything goes with anything"--and displays her signature style, from her unique way of mixing and matching print and color to how she uses clothes to create images that go beyond glamour to the metaphysical, spiritual, and natural worlds. Four distinctive chapters--"The Sickness," "The Divine," "Harmonious Discord," and "Pop"--present these imaginative realms in alluring visual detail, accompanied by numerous personal anecdotes that provide insight into Goldstein's process of styling and her creative power, as well as the worlds of fashion, celebrity, and advertising. They highlight her talent for pushing beyond the edge of convention to create moments of individuality that transcend the norm as well as influence and transform our views on fashion, beauty, and popular culture. The publication of this extraordinary collection is a landmark in fashion and image making.

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