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Almost Paradise

Tekijä: Chris Keniston

Sarjat: Aloha Series (2)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1411,465,607 (3.75)-
Fiction. Romance. HTML:

Almost Paradise (book two in the contemporary romance Aloha Series)

Angela Carson's life is not unfolding according to plan. She's twelve years behind the curve in her search for love, marriage and babies. In that order.

Owner of the Big Island Dive shop, former Navy Explosive Ordinance Disposal tech Billy Everrett is going through the motions of living. Love, marriage and children are not in his plans.

But could a life changing diagnosis be enough to help them both discover that sometimes the best things in life don't need a plan.

More about the contemporary romance Aloha series

Chris Keniston's love of a good story and frustration with the end of a well known author's romance best seller, drove her to pen her own works of romance and fiction.

The popular beach read themes of small town and Hawaii beaches blended with the story of a single dad, lost love, and a surprise son made the first in the series, Aloha Texas, a reader's choice.

Almost Paradise is the fifth romance novel for Chris and the second book in the Aloha series. Continuing with the well loved themes of Hawaii beaches and former military heroes, Almost Paradise explores love, marriage, babies, and life after war for a wounded hero.

Currently working on the third book in the Aloha series, Chris is having fun with the next change coming to the regulars at the Big Island Dive shop.

Praise for Aloha Texas

" If you're a fan of contemporary romance that depicts real people dealing with real problems written in a way that steals your heart, don't miss this one — its a real gem! " ... New York Times Bestselling author Jane Graves.

… (lisätietoja)

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Ei tämänhetkisiä Keskustelu-viestiketjuja tästä kirjasta.

Great second book in the series! Two traumatized individuals end up forgiving themselves & finding a way to make their relationship work. Along the way, we gain a better understanding of characters introduced in the first of the series & where their lives are. The characters are complex & well developed. The plot takes unexpected turns here & there but the flow is perfect. This book will work as a standalone even though it's part of a series. ( )
  Pam50627 | Nov 26, 2017 |
ei arvosteluja | lisää arvostelu

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Fiction. Romance. HTML:

Almost Paradise (book two in the contemporary romance Aloha Series)

Angela Carson's life is not unfolding according to plan. She's twelve years behind the curve in her search for love, marriage and babies. In that order.

Owner of the Big Island Dive shop, former Navy Explosive Ordinance Disposal tech Billy Everrett is going through the motions of living. Love, marriage and children are not in his plans.

But could a life changing diagnosis be enough to help them both discover that sometimes the best things in life don't need a plan.

More about the contemporary romance Aloha series

Chris Keniston's love of a good story and frustration with the end of a well known author's romance best seller, drove her to pen her own works of romance and fiction.

The popular beach read themes of small town and Hawaii beaches blended with the story of a single dad, lost love, and a surprise son made the first in the series, Aloha Texas, a reader's choice.

Almost Paradise is the fifth romance novel for Chris and the second book in the Aloha series. Continuing with the well loved themes of Hawaii beaches and former military heroes, Almost Paradise explores love, marriage, babies, and life after war for a wounded hero.

Currently working on the third book in the Aloha series, Chris is having fun with the next change coming to the regulars at the Big Island Dive shop.

Praise for Aloha Texas

" If you're a fan of contemporary romance that depicts real people dealing with real problems written in a way that steals your heart, don't miss this one — its a real gem! " ... New York Times Bestselling author Jane Graves.


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