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Pippa of Lauramore (The Eldentimber Series Book 1)

Tekijä: Shari L. Tapscott

Sarjat: Eldentimber (1)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
501502,378 (3.69)-
Princess Pippa of Lauramore is not your average princess. Unwilling to sit back and let princes and lords compete for her hand without her input, Pippa decides to do whatever she can to give strong, kind, and handsome Prince Galinor of Glendon the advantage he needs to win the marriage games. With the help of Archer, the kingdom's master archer and her childhood friend, everything seems to be going according to Pippa's schemes. But whenever dragons get involved, plots don't always go as planned... With Pippa's future at stake and her happiness on the line, Pippa and Archer must make sure they engage all their wits and strength to make sure that the right prince gets the princess-even if he turns out to be the wrong man in the end.… (lisätietoja)

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I don't want to stop reading, the novel is so good. I was a little worried when the novel opens with a spoiled sounding princess and a naive prince, but get past the first two chapters and the story dives into adventure, intrigue, and a plot so deeply woven that I am screaming. Just screaming. Pippa is a feisty princess, but despite her flaws, her heart is amazing. I love how, as the story grows, everyone is fighting for what is right, despite the odds stacked against Pippa. I love all the princes, and the ladies. Every character has me cheering for them in this crazy tournament, but I am solely team Archer. Wow. Just wow. Absolutely a clean read for adults on down to preteens. ( )
  LisaRector | Sep 28, 2017 |
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Princess Pippa of Lauramore is not your average princess. Unwilling to sit back and let princes and lords compete for her hand without her input, Pippa decides to do whatever she can to give strong, kind, and handsome Prince Galinor of Glendon the advantage he needs to win the marriage games. With the help of Archer, the kingdom's master archer and her childhood friend, everything seems to be going according to Pippa's schemes. But whenever dragons get involved, plots don't always go as planned... With Pippa's future at stake and her happiness on the line, Pippa and Archer must make sure they engage all their wits and strength to make sure that the right prince gets the princess-even if he turns out to be the wrong man in the end.

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