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Graham Crackers: Fuzzy Memories, Silly Bits, and Outright Lies

Tekijä: Graham Chapman

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
842329,690 (4.08)2
"Graham Crackers is the hilarious new book from Monty Python's Graham Chapman, who has been dead for nearly 10 years. It contains everything a book should have: words, sequentially numbered pages, ink, binding - even a cover - all at no extra charge!" "It also contains never-before-published photos, never-before-produced comedy sketches, details on Graham's very unconventional life, thoughts on Monty Python, and tales of mad adventure with the Dangerous Sports Club, pals like the Who's Keith Moon, and more." "Includes a foreword by John Cleese, a backward by Eric Idle, and a sideways by Terry Jones."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
mostly Monty Python related
  ritaer | Jul 10, 2021 |
As a nightcap, a tumbler of Port, a snippet, a few anecdotes, a rough sketch here and there, a tale of inebriated joy, Graham Crackers is a spoonful of delight. Having known a fair bit about the dear Graham Chapman, and him having been instrumental to some choices I made in my adolescence, I relaxed into this book compiled by Jim Yoakum with natural ease of wanting to read exactly what I did end up reading, and that was, a tad bit more of Graham from Graham, page by page. It skims across aspects of writing for Python, obscure unfinished sketches by Graham and Jim, a few odds and ends about the Dangerous Sports Club and Keith Moon, and finishes as it should with a epitome of Chapman's untimely death as remarked by Terry Jones.

This book is Banned in Goring-Upon Thames and one must keep in mind that Graham being the youngest of the Python group did nearly finish the second volume (or 7th volume) of A Liars Autobiography so this follow up compiled by Jim only really dapples the surface of what Graham would have put out there towards his end. Please, if you received an old computer in 1987 second-hand, please take it to an IT professional to trawl the hard-drive incase it has Graham's almost complete manuscript, the following part of his first autobiography. Lemon Curry is what I say to Graham Crackers which equals about five stars roughly in curry terms. ( )
  RupertOwen | Apr 27, 2021 |
näyttää 2/2
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"Graham Crackers is the hilarious new book from Monty Python's Graham Chapman, who has been dead for nearly 10 years. It contains everything a book should have: words, sequentially numbered pages, ink, binding - even a cover - all at no extra charge!" "It also contains never-before-published photos, never-before-produced comedy sketches, details on Graham's very unconventional life, thoughts on Monty Python, and tales of mad adventure with the Dangerous Sports Club, pals like the Who's Keith Moon, and more." "Includes a foreword by John Cleese, a backward by Eric Idle, and a sideways by Terry Jones."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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