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Roberto's New Vegan Cooking: 125 Easy, Delicious, Real Food Recipes

Tekijä: Roberto Martin

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261897,901 (4)-
Do you suffer through the same old salads because you want to eat more veggies? Are you trying to use less processed junk when you cook but find yourself thinking, "I don't have time for that"? If you're hungry for good food and a good time in the kitchen, chef Roberto Martin has the answers--and he's here to demonstrate that cooking delicious meals with whole foods doesn't have to take a whole day. When he was personal chef to Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi, Roberto created basic meals that turned their favorite meaty dishes into tasty vegan feasts. Roberto's cooking continues to evolve, using fewer faux meats and more healthful, plant-based ingredients. Not only does he make seriously amazing food for others, he has a hungry family at home--so whether he's whipping up a Sunday brunch, after-school snacks, or a cozy dinner for two, the food's got to be easy, satisfying, and delicious. Based on both Roberto's Mexican-American family favorites (check out the recipes for albondigas soup and jackfruit tacos) and his classical French culinary training (cassoulet? Every day), these new recipes use simple basics (think beans, beets, and avocado) while also introducing less common but easy-to-use ingredients (celeriac? It has an amazing meaty texture). The result? Finger-licking dishes that'll please everyone from your fussy kid to your need-to-impress in-laws. With tips for outfitting your kitchen and techniques to save you time, as well as a chapter devoted to homemade staples that will truly make your cooking life easier and tastier, you'll be able to make fresh, healthy meals in a snap--big flavors, no fussin'.… (lisätietoja)

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Loved the guacamole! Not too many weird things in here. Plus he cooked for Ellen and Portia, so gotta be good! I would like to try some of the tofu recipes but I need willing victims, er, people in my family... ( )
  BarbF410 | May 22, 2022 |
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Do you suffer through the same old salads because you want to eat more veggies? Are you trying to use less processed junk when you cook but find yourself thinking, "I don't have time for that"? If you're hungry for good food and a good time in the kitchen, chef Roberto Martin has the answers--and he's here to demonstrate that cooking delicious meals with whole foods doesn't have to take a whole day. When he was personal chef to Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi, Roberto created basic meals that turned their favorite meaty dishes into tasty vegan feasts. Roberto's cooking continues to evolve, using fewer faux meats and more healthful, plant-based ingredients. Not only does he make seriously amazing food for others, he has a hungry family at home--so whether he's whipping up a Sunday brunch, after-school snacks, or a cozy dinner for two, the food's got to be easy, satisfying, and delicious. Based on both Roberto's Mexican-American family favorites (check out the recipes for albondigas soup and jackfruit tacos) and his classical French culinary training (cassoulet? Every day), these new recipes use simple basics (think beans, beets, and avocado) while also introducing less common but easy-to-use ingredients (celeriac? It has an amazing meaty texture). The result? Finger-licking dishes that'll please everyone from your fussy kid to your need-to-impress in-laws. With tips for outfitting your kitchen and techniques to save you time, as well as a chapter devoted to homemade staples that will truly make your cooking life easier and tastier, you'll be able to make fresh, healthy meals in a snap--big flavors, no fussin'.

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