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The Magical Slow Cooker: Recipes for Busy Moms

Tekijä: Sarah Olson

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
912,003,524 (5)-
From breakfast to dessert, these recipes are perfect for busy moms who want something that's quick and wholesome. Contains tips on how to prepare ahead and save time.

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Cooking can sometimes be a chore, but it doesn't have to be. This book aims to help you make the most of your slow cooker. It covers multiple types of recipes including breakfast and dessert. It is full of hints and helps to make sure that you can can make the most of your slow cooker. Meal time doesn't have to take all your time, and your slow cooker can help you to make magic!

I love my slow cooker, so I was super excited to try this cookbook. There were a lot of good recipes in here. The pictures are absolutely mouth watering. I tried the Green Chili Chicken Enchilada Casserole, and it was SO GOOD. It kind of reminded me of a more grown up version of something my mom used to make. I am definitely adding this to my regular recipe rotation. I also loved that there were so many different types of recipes in the book. I am now armed and ready for any occasion. This is a great book for slow cooker users new and old. Get ready for some delicious slow cooker magic!

Book provided for review. ( )
  l_manning | May 19, 2015 |
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From breakfast to dessert, these recipes are perfect for busy moms who want something that's quick and wholesome. Contains tips on how to prepare ahead and save time.

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