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Silent Tears No More

Tekijä: Judy Baer

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872314,292 (3)2
Lexi Leighton's friend Binky is interested in a guy at school but feels out of it. Her clothes, her hair - everything seems out of style. The perfect solution seems to be a babysitting job that will allow her to get a new wardrobe. There's one hitch - something is radically wrong with the rich nine year old girl Binky is caring for. When Binky makes a terrible discovery she must decide whether she has the courage or the right to intervene in Nicole's life.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
A VERY sad book about child abuse... Binky starts babysitting a nine-year-old girl and it is obvious that something is wrong. This girl is just too perfect, acts too adult-like, and seems sad and shy. But she isn't just shy. She is being abused, and Binky must decide whether she has the right to interfere. ( )
  Heather19 | Dec 25, 2007 |
The "Cedar River Daydreams" series centers around the lives of Lexi Leighton and her circle of friends. Each book focuses on a specific issue or trial that the teens face and how they resolve the issue in a Christian manner. The books aren't the greatest things you'll ever read, but for what they are, they're quite good. Judy Baer is a good enough writer to develop the characters well and draw the reader into the stories. "Cedar River Daydreams" are what you'd expect from Christian teen fiction - good morals, clean content, and a sweet story. They're good books and I'd recommend them for young teen girls.

In Silent Tears No More, Binky and Lexi try to help an abused child. ( )
  LSS312 | Mar 15, 2007 |
näyttää 2/2
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Lexi Leighton's friend Binky is interested in a guy at school but feels out of it. Her clothes, her hair - everything seems out of style. The perfect solution seems to be a babysitting job that will allow her to get a new wardrobe. There's one hitch - something is radically wrong with the rich nine year old girl Binky is caring for. When Binky makes a terrible discovery she must decide whether she has the courage or the right to intervene in Nicole's life.

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