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Theo and the Forbidden Language

Tekijä: Melanie Ansley

Sarjat: The Book of Theo (1)

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2211,024,995 (4.33)-
In the land of Mankahar, where reading and writing are punishable by death, a battle is raging. The human empire is robbing animals of speech using a poison called "pacification," and is marching to the furthest corners of the land to enslave animals large and small for use on their farms. The only thing standing against them is the Order, a society of free animals determined to defend their way of life. On the western fringes of Mankahar, the rabbit Theo hides a secret: he knows the forbidden language, the symbols used to "catch words". When his village exiles him, he joins Brune, an axe wielding bear and loyal member of the Order, in the epic fight against the empire.But the Order's cause proves dangerous. Whom can Theo trust, when the empire punishes those who read or write with death? Worse, his fellow animals view the written word as sacrilegious. As the war for Mankahar's fate looms, Theo must risk everything to learn the full power of the forbidden language, or be silenced forever.… (lisätietoja)

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In a fantastical land under the divine guidance of Aktu, vast communities of animal realms are under a vast attack and consolidated conquest by armies of two-legged hairless beasts, whom other animals have called “Urzoks,” but who have labeled themselves after the vast land they have overrun, Mankahar. These beasts have used knowledge gained from the forbidden language of Aktu to “pacify” other animal species into soulless entities under their control. However, the Order, a council of animals guided by Lord Noshi, an “urzok” who has decided to stand with the animals than with his own kind, is searching for twelve apprentices, who will lead the defending armies to push back this evil kingdom. Lord Noshi has convinced the council that one of the apprentices needs to be an “omatje,” an animal who has learned the forbidden language against the law, which leads to young Theo, a rabbit in a free community of Willago, just beyond the current borders of the realm of Mankahar. Theo feels he is an insignificant member of his community, nowhere near as known or popular as his hunky brother, Harlan. However, Theo’s uncle taught him the forbidden language in secret with stories on hidden scrolls. Once the Order discovers Theo’s existence and forbidden knowledge, they send a companion bear to bring Theo back to them, but the powerful leaders of the “Urzoks” find out about Theo, and knowing that knowledge is power, send an army to capture Theo during his journey and enslave him under their control. This strongly structured anthropomorphic fantasy builds its epic odyssey on well-developed characters cloaked within their animal skins. From a small cadre of eager heroes to villainous schemers, rabbits, bears, monkeys, snakes, vultures, and other relatable animals provides moments of thrills, romance, and magic. If one can enjoy a blend of “The Lion King,” “Harry Potter,” and “Star Wars” mythology, then this opening saga would probably fit into this reader’s library. ( )
  kerryreis57 | Dec 26, 2016 |
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In the land of Mankahar, where reading and writing are punishable by death, a battle is raging. The human empire is robbing animals of speech using a poison called "pacification," and is marching to the furthest corners of the land to enslave animals large and small for use on their farms. The only thing standing against them is the Order, a society of free animals determined to defend their way of life. On the western fringes of Mankahar, the rabbit Theo hides a secret: he knows the forbidden language, the symbols used to "catch words". When his village exiles him, he joins Brune, an axe wielding bear and loyal member of the Order, in the epic fight against the empire.But the Order's cause proves dangerous. Whom can Theo trust, when the empire punishes those who read or write with death? Worse, his fellow animals view the written word as sacrilegious. As the war for Mankahar's fate looms, Theo must risk everything to learn the full power of the forbidden language, or be silenced forever.

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