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Managing Copyright in Higher Education: A Guidebook (2014)

Tekijä: Donna L. Ferullo

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2211,034,040 (2)-
As more and more colleges and universities establish copyright offices and/or assign the responsibilities of copyright education and advisory services to specific individuals within the institution, many times librarians, there is a paucity of resources available on how to manage that responsibility. Most works on copyright discuss the law and court cases interpreting the law but few address the situational application of it and the management and coordination of copyright efforts on a campus. Here is a complete, one-stop, guide to managing copyright at all levels--community college, college, and university. Complete chapters are devoted to: -The university culture -The role of a copyright office -How to establish a copyright office -Copyright services for librarians -Copyright services for faculty -Copyright services for administrators and staff -Copyright services for students Written by the director of the University Copyright Office at Purdue University who holds both law and library science degrees, this is complete, authoritative guide is a must-purchase for every institution of higher education seeking to comply with the copyright law and thus avoid potential liability exposure.… (lisätietoja)

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Ferullo's book is useful in that it covers aspects of copyright management outside of library / classroom use, which is unusual for this kind of book. Ultimately, however, I didn't find it to be very readable or easy to access as a reference text. The book is divided into sections by area of administration (students, faculty, staff, etc.), but while there is an index, the large chunks of text without many section dividers or bullet points, makes the content a little hard to digest or refer back to later.

[full review here: http://spacebeer.blogspot.com/2015/04/managing-copyright-in-higher-education.htm... ] ( )
  kristykay22 | Apr 13, 2015 |
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As more and more colleges and universities establish copyright offices and/or assign the responsibilities of copyright education and advisory services to specific individuals within the institution, many times librarians, there is a paucity of resources available on how to manage that responsibility. Most works on copyright discuss the law and court cases interpreting the law but few address the situational application of it and the management and coordination of copyright efforts on a campus. Here is a complete, one-stop, guide to managing copyright at all levels--community college, college, and university. Complete chapters are devoted to: -The university culture -The role of a copyright office -How to establish a copyright office -Copyright services for librarians -Copyright services for faculty -Copyright services for administrators and staff -Copyright services for students Written by the director of the University Copyright Office at Purdue University who holds both law and library science degrees, this is complete, authoritative guide is a must-purchase for every institution of higher education seeking to comply with the copyright law and thus avoid potential liability exposure.

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