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Disney’s The Jungle Book (A Little Golden Book)

Tekijä: Mary Carey

Sarjat: The Jungle Book (Disney) (Golden Book)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1,0201720,602 (3.96)1
Mowgli, a man-cub raised by wolves, is lured from the delights and dangers of the jungle by the song of a village girl.

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 17) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Disclaimer: I usually review children's book based more on what my children think of the book and less on what I think of the book...

( )
  mcsp | Jan 25, 2021 |
cute story. ( )
  crazy4reading | Nov 13, 2018 |
A boy is found in a jungle by a panther. The panther, Bagheera, gives him off to wolves for him to become a man-cub for ten years. The wolves give the boy a name, Mowgli. One day a tiger shows back to the jungle and Mowgli is now in danger. He must leave the wolf pack and go to the man-village. Mowgli doesn’t listen but has friends to help him out along the bad situations he gets in. This book has a very good meaning behind it. It shows that you sometimes need to listen to others and allow them to help you. It’s also good for reading about facing choices and new journeys. ( )
  mp1139 | Apr 13, 2018 |
A story of acceptance, love and family. The lost child is discovered by wolves and raised as a cub of the pack. As the foe Bagheera has decided he is a threat, he is protected by those who know his true heart.

I have always loved this book, all versions and believe this to be a wonderful story for all children to read.

I believe this book would be perfect in a Lit class (the longer version) and even the short version if used in companion with a civics idea of acceptance the teacher could show how the animals could represent all the different ethnic races of the world and if only you were open to discussion and acceptance would you be able to start to heal from the bad tha has happened ( )
  HistoryMomma | Sep 2, 2017 |
Summary: The Jungle book is about a boy named Mowgli, an abandoned child who is raised by wolves, has a bear and a jaguar as his best friend. He then is sent to go live in the Man Village though he does not want to. Now Mowgli goes some wild adventure with his friends.
Review: The Jungle Book is a wonderful book it had a decent length making it great to read out loud. The book is good quality, the binding is tight, and has a good lesson to it. Classroom: I would use the book to teach student that sometimes one needs to listen to others and allow them to help you.
Genre: The book is fantasy because we have a boy who lives in a jungle who is raised by a black panther, a bear, and by wolves. In the story animals can also talk and sing making it unreal because who had really heard a bear sing and dance like Baloo. Though over all this book is great and any child would like it.
Medium: Color Pencil.computer animation.
Age: Primary. ( )
  little_manb | Feb 6, 2017 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 17) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Mowgli, a man-cub raised by wolves, is lured from the delights and dangers of the jungle by the song of a village girl.

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1 1
1.5 1
2 4
2.5 1
3 18
4 15
4.5 1
5 30

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