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Romans (IVP New Testament Commentary Series)

Tekijä: Grant R. Osborne

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2382114,516 (4.5)-
Few individual books of the Bible have changed the course of church history the way Paul's letter to the Romans has. Whether one thinks of Augustine's coversion in the fourth century, Luther's recovery of justification by faith in the sixteenth or Barth's challenge to recover theological exegesis of the Bible in the twentieth, Romans has been the catalyst to personal spiritual renewal and the recapturing of gospel basics.Paul, in seeking to bring unity and understanding between Jews and Gentiles in Rome, sets forth in Romans his most profound explication of his gospel and its meaning for the church. The letter's relevance is as great today as it was in the first century.In Grant R. Osborne's careful study of Romans, readers will find an introduction that sets the letter in context and surveys its general content, highlighting issues surrounding its authorship, date, occasion and purpose. Passage-by-passage commentary follows that explains what the letter means to us today as well as what it meant for its original hearers.Students, pastors, Bible teachers and everyone who wants to understand Paul's message for the church will benefit from this excellent resource.… (lisätietoja)

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  birdsnare | May 16, 2019 |
Bible, N.T. Commentary
  CPI | Jun 30, 2016 |
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Few individual books of the Bible have changed the course of church history the way Paul's letter to the Romans has. Whether one thinks of Augustine's coversion in the fourth century, Luther's recovery of justification by faith in the sixteenth or Barth's challenge to recover theological exegesis of the Bible in the twentieth, Romans has been the catalyst to personal spiritual renewal and the recapturing of gospel basics.Paul, in seeking to bring unity and understanding between Jews and Gentiles in Rome, sets forth in Romans his most profound explication of his gospel and its meaning for the church. The letter's relevance is as great today as it was in the first century.In Grant R. Osborne's careful study of Romans, readers will find an introduction that sets the letter in context and surveys its general content, highlighting issues surrounding its authorship, date, occasion and purpose. Passage-by-passage commentary follows that explains what the letter means to us today as well as what it meant for its original hearers.Students, pastors, Bible teachers and everyone who wants to understand Paul's message for the church will benefit from this excellent resource.

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