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Kildare Barracks: From the Royal Field Artillery to the Irish Artillery Corps

Tekijä: Mark McLaughlin

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
This book explores the military life and experiences of the gunners stationed in Ireland's Kildare Barracks over the course of almost 100 years while it was under both British and Irish military commands. Built in 1901 to train British artillery brigades for service in the Boer War, and closed in 1998, the barracks provides an exceptional spotlight for the local history of County Kildare and the military history of 20th-century Ireland. Through numerous personal histories, the book reflects upon the importance of the barracks in shaping the activity and development of the county. These tales - both informative and touching - provide a means of examining landmarks in Irish and international 20th-century history, including the Curragh Mutiny, World War I, the Irish War of Independence, the Irish Civil War and the Emergency - while telling the story of a national military institution and the personnel who passed through. The fascinating personal histories offer poignant reflections on those who served at the barracks.… (lisätietoja)
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This book explores the military life and experiences of the gunners stationed in Ireland's Kildare Barracks over the course of almost 100 years while it was under both British and Irish military commands. Built in 1901 to train British artillery brigades for service in the Boer War, and closed in 1998, the barracks provides an exceptional spotlight for the local history of County Kildare and the military history of 20th-century Ireland. Through numerous personal histories, the book reflects upon the importance of the barracks in shaping the activity and development of the county. These tales - both informative and touching - provide a means of examining landmarks in Irish and international 20th-century history, including the Curragh Mutiny, World War I, the Irish War of Independence, the Irish Civil War and the Emergency - while telling the story of a national military institution and the personnel who passed through. The fascinating personal histories offer poignant reflections on those who served at the barracks.

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