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If: A Mind-Bending New Way of Looking at Big Ideas and Numbers

Tekijä: David J. Smith

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
19921138,436 (4.31)-
Author has found clever devices to scale down everything from time lines (the history of Earth compressed into one year), to quantities (all the wealth in the world divided into one hundred coins), to size differences (the planets shown as different types of balls).

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 21) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Helps young readers better understand the relative size of enormous things like the solar system, the ocean, energy consumption, and how we spend our lives. Great for use in a lesson involving scale. ( )
  MrsBond | Jun 27, 2023 |
I love this concept! As someone who struggles with concepts of scale myself, I appreciate the attempt to make large ideas and numbers more understandable and relatable. However, I think it could have been executed better.

For me, the "Events of the Last 3000 Years" spread was actually more confusing than a standard timeline. The spread of "The Continents" is also confusing, mostly because South America is a smaller percentage (3%) than North America (4.1%), but the South American portion of the page actually looks large since it's a skinnier but longer rectangle. Similarly, the "Money" page seemed a bit misrepresentative to me: 1 man stands on top of a single stack of 40 coins, to depict 1% of the population having 40% of the money, while 9 people stand on top of 45 coins split into two stacks, to depict 9% of the population having 45% of the money. Technically, the 9 people are on top of more coins than the 1 man, but since the coins are split into two shorter stacks than the one single stack of the 1%-er, it appears at first glance to be fewer coins.

Overall, I think it's a good effort to introduce concepts of scale to kids, and I don't know of many other books that do so. But there's definitely some room for improvement.

Note: I received a digital galley of this book through NetGalley. ( )
  fernandie | Sep 15, 2022 |
Science big ideas and scale ( )
  Heley123456 | Aug 26, 2020 |
Such an insightful read that I believe will relate to students as it gives examples that apply to real life and even giving a mention to the reader's life specifically. ( )
  NDeBlieux | May 3, 2019 |
My favorite method of teaching math is relating it to real life. This book caught my eye the second I looked through it in class. Numbers can be really scary, but this book made them interesting and admirable. Relating our world to concepts in curriculum is something that I greatly appreciate. The author had such a unique way of sharing interesting information and turning it into art. ( )
  aferrara | Apr 29, 2019 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 21) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Author has found clever devices to scale down everything from time lines (the history of Earth compressed into one year), to quantities (all the wealth in the world divided into one hundred coins), to size differences (the planets shown as different types of balls).

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3 5
3.5 1
4 6
4.5 1
5 13

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