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Learn to Weave with Anne Field: A Project-Based Approach to Weaving Basics

Tekijä: Anne Field

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
531492,075 (3.33)-
Taking a project-based approach and with a well-founded understanding of the complexities of her craft, Anne deftly guides learners through the essential weaving techniques. Basic information on types of looms and what each is best suited for, how to thread or warp the loom and getting underway is followed by step-by-step instructions for 11 projects, including practical table runners, mats and cushion covers, wearable wraps, scarves, and a reversible jacket, through to a decorative wall hanging.… (lisätietoja)

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The premise of this book is that new weavers learn best when they can start making something right away. This is a project-based learning book, accompanied by basic weaving theory.

Each project is described in detail, with photographs of the finished item, along with all the steps in getting there. This is a book for all weavers, but in particular the new weaver may get the most out of the lessons here. Along with a mentor, it might very well serve to get someone started weaving on their own. Recommended. ( )
  fiberguildreno | May 16, 2015 |
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Taking a project-based approach and with a well-founded understanding of the complexities of her craft, Anne deftly guides learners through the essential weaving techniques. Basic information on types of looms and what each is best suited for, how to thread or warp the loom and getting underway is followed by step-by-step instructions for 11 projects, including practical table runners, mats and cushion covers, wearable wraps, scarves, and a reversible jacket, through to a decorative wall hanging.

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