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Let's Meet a Doctor

Tekijä: Bridget Heos

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
942291,386 (5)-
What does a doctor do? These kids have a few ideas. But to learn more, they talk to Dr. Zambil. He tells them how he helps sick or hurt kids feel better. He sees healthy kids to help keep them healthy. He even helps train new doctors. Let's hear it for doctors!

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näyttää 2/2
Let’s Meet A Doctor is a narrative scenario type story that explains what a doctor is and does. It has 3 small chapters and has narrations and dialogue as well as little squares of information throughout the books, like what a stethoscope is. It was really interesting to read because it brought great information in a familiar way. It was like you were standing there listening to a doctor talk about his job but in a kid friendly way. I would use this book when teaching about community in our area and integrate those bug scientific words into it. I loved that this book had a little science experiment in the back, it had a “how to make your own stethoscope” in the back next to the glossary. It was very informational but also an easy read. ( )
  Lexi.yockey | Oct 22, 2020 |
The book Let's Meet A Doctor is about children learning what doctors do and how they save lives. ( )
  delia32 | Jun 4, 2017 |
näyttää 2/2
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What does a doctor do? These kids have a few ideas. But to learn more, they talk to Dr. Zambil. He tells them how he helps sick or hurt kids feel better. He sees healthy kids to help keep them healthy. He even helps train new doctors. Let's hear it for doctors!

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