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Guidebook to Murder (2014)

Tekijä: Lynn Cahoon

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2882892,889 (3.56)17
Fiction. Literature. Mystery. In the gentle coastal town of South Cove, California, all Jill Gardner wants is to keep her store-Coffee, Books, and More-open and running. So why is she caught up in the business of murder? When Jill's elderly friend Miss Emily calls in a fit of pique, she already knows that the city council is trying to force Emily to sell her dilapidated old house. But Emily's gumption goes for naught when she dies unexpectedly and leaves the house to Jill, along with all of her problems . . . and her enemies. Convinced that her friend was murdered, Jill is finding the list of suspects longer than the list of repairs needed on the house. But Jill is determined to uncover the culprit-especially if it gets her closer to South Cove's finest, Detective Greg King. The problem is, the killer knows that she's on the case-and is determined to close the book on Jill permanently.… (lisätietoja)

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 28) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Guidebook to Murder by Lynn Cahoon is the first book in the Tourist Trap Mystery series and a decent start to a new series. The little town that the series takes place in seems like a great place to live and work.

I really like the main character, Jill. She seems down-to-earth, trustworthy, and somewhat sensible. She does take calculated risks, but she doesn't seem to be as implusive and reckless like some other cozy-mystery sleuths. She also seems very well-rounded considering this is only the first book in the series.

I'm looking forward to reading more from this author. ( )
  Valerie.Michigan | May 1, 2024 |
Guidebook to Murder delivers exactly what readers of cozy mysteries expect: a lightly themed, not too gruesome murder mystery set in a small town with a dash of romance. The story isn't unusual or particularly inventive, but it's not boring, either.

Many of the plot elements are typical of cozy mysteries (flexible job that allows time to investigate, outspoken BFF, romantic tension, savings fund / inheritance that means the main character doesn't have to worry too much about making money), but Cahoon breaks from the pack with the dead body count, limiting it to one in this series starter, which I appreciate. One murder in a small town is believable, but numerous dead bodies per book would deplete the town of residents (and tourists) pretty quickly. Hopefully she can remain similarly restrained as the series continues.

I also appreciated that Jill, the main character, doesn't behave in a stupid, ditzy, or reckless way. She made a few poor decisions, as most people do, but she's definitely not the bumbling, putting-her-life-in-danger type of character that has become typical of light mysteries.

My only significant issue with the book is a lack of creativity with titles. The main character's shop is called "Coffee, Books, and More," which is the absolute least creative and most boring store name I've ever seen. You're telling me Jill spent her savings establishing her dream job/store in a historic coastal town and she couldn't come up with anything better than Coffee, Books, and More? I don't buy it. The name just makes the character, the author, and the editors look lazy. The title of the book also bothers me -- not only is Guidebook to Murder not very interesting, but it also has nothing to do with the plot. Again, it seems the author and editors should have been able to come up with something better, and the fact that they didn't makes it seem like they weren't trying very hard.

Overall, Guidebook to Murder is a quick, fun mystery that the reader actually has a chance of solving before the main character.

Note: I received a digital galley of this book through NetGalley. ( )
  fernandie | Sep 15, 2022 |
I love cozy mysteries with settings in bookstores and libraries so the beautiful cover indicating a bookstore was an immediate draw to me. I was also interested in reading a cozy mystery by Lynn Cahoon as her name is frequently mentioned as a favorite author in many Facebook groups highlighting cozy mysteries.

I loved the name of the bookstore, "Coffee, Books, and More" and that it was an established store for the past 5 years. Jill's life is turned upside down and inside out by the murder of her dear senior friend, Miss Emily, especially when Jill learns that she has inherited the bulk of Miss Emily's estate. It added interesting character interaction that Jill was able to call upon her Aunt Jackie who owned a coffee shop in San Francisco prior to her own retirement. With Aunt Jackie's experience she has no hesitation in taking over Jill's business and implementing changes even before they are discussed with Jill.

The most frustrating aspect of the plot was for the reader to learn from Jill in Chapter 2, referencing Detective Greg King that "He’d been married at the Methodist church down the street. He was one of them." Only to read of Jill's surprise in Chapter 6 in conversation with Detective King's brother Jim...
Jim King: "He’s my brother. In fact, I was the best man at his wedding."
Jill: "He's married?"
If one can forget that Jill was perfectly aware of the detective's marital status prior to Chapter 6, then you can give this annoyance a miss.

I understood Jill's delight in planning and executing all of her home improvements but for a young woman who makes daily to-do lists it seemed a little off that it took her so long to go to friend Amy Newman's apartment especially since Jill has her own key.

For those that aren't tired of amateur sleuth/detective pairings, you'll definitely want to meet Detective Greg King. I enjoyed the cozy but I'm not sure I'll continue reading the series. ( )
  FerneMysteryReader | Sep 23, 2021 |
Jill owns and runs a combination bookstore and coffeeshop, but as a former lawyer, her elderly friend often calls on her for help, especially when she has issues with the city government. Her property ownership and her home are being threatened by some people who want to tear it down for a development. Jill is willing to straighten it all out for Miss Emily, but before she can, Miss Emily dies. And Jill is in for a big surprise. There is plenty happening in this tale to keep readers engaged in the story. More than one crime and more than one criminal, but only one solution. And can Jill - and the police detective she’s crushing on - figure it out before Jill becomes another victim? Good writing, great characters, and an intriguing plot combine for an entertaining mystery. ( )
  Maydacat | May 15, 2021 |
A great small town cozy mystery book with a hint of romance. ( )
  xKayx | Dec 14, 2020 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 28) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Fiction. Literature. Mystery. In the gentle coastal town of South Cove, California, all Jill Gardner wants is to keep her store-Coffee, Books, and More-open and running. So why is she caught up in the business of murder? When Jill's elderly friend Miss Emily calls in a fit of pique, she already knows that the city council is trying to force Emily to sell her dilapidated old house. But Emily's gumption goes for naught when she dies unexpectedly and leaves the house to Jill, along with all of her problems . . . and her enemies. Convinced that her friend was murdered, Jill is finding the list of suspects longer than the list of repairs needed on the house. But Jill is determined to uncover the culprit-especially if it gets her closer to South Cove's finest, Detective Greg King. The problem is, the killer knows that she's on the case-and is determined to close the book on Jill permanently.

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