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The Many Lives & Secret Sorrows of Josephine B. (1995)

Tekijä: Sandra Gulland

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1,2653415,509 (4.09)4
Fiction. Literature. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:Passion intertwines with fate in this riveting and historically rich novel about the journey of a woman from poverty to ultimate power in Revolution-era France.
In this first of three books inspired by the life of Josephine Bonaparte, Sandra Gulland has created a novel of immense and magical proportions. We meet Josephine in the exotic and lush Martinico, where an old island woman predicts that one day she will be queen. The journey from the remote village of her birth to the height of European elegance is long, but Josephine's fortune proves to be true. By way of fictionalized diary entries, we traverse her early years as she marries her one true love, bears his children, and is left betrayed, widowed, and penniless. It is Josephine's extraordinary charm, cunning, and will to survive that catapults her to the heart of society, where she meets Napoleon, whose destiny will prove to be irrevocably intertwined with hers.… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 4 mainintaa

Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 34) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Josephine Bonaparte - Part I of 3
  Docent-MFAStPete | May 27, 2024 |
The second in the series about Josephine Bonaparte. I think I didn't get as much out of it as the first book because I don't know the political history enough. Still, well-written and kept me up many nights past my bedtime. ( )
  WriterChris | Oct 5, 2021 |
One of those books you'd never pick on your own but enjoy based on a friend's suggesiton. I enjoyed the history behind it. ( )
  godmotherx5 | Apr 5, 2018 |
This was a very enjoyable read telling the tale of Josephine's life up until the time she married Bonaparte. Very much written as a personal account through her journal. Very interesting approach which seemed to work well. It's quite a quick read but despite this gives you the feel of her early life and a real feel for much of the French Revolution and the extent of 'The Terror' that followed it, even for those who had worked towards the Revolution throughout! Look forward to reading the others in the trilogy. 4.5 stars. ( )
  Andrew-theQM | Jun 20, 2016 |
The first of a trilogy about the fascinating life of Josephine Bonaparte, first wife of Napoleon. Sandra Gulland has written a fast paced novel in diary form about a woman who has been consigned to history as a historical footnote based on her relationship with Napoleon Bonaparte. Who knew she led such a turbulent and interesting life before she ever met Napoleon! I could not put this book down and quickly devoured the two sequels. This is an intelligent, well researched and highly entertaining account of a turbulent period in history. Sandra Gulland's trilogy has inspired me to delve deeper into the life of Josephine and the entire period of revolutionary France. I highly recommend these novels.
  SueTodd | May 30, 2016 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 34) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Fiction. Literature. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:Passion intertwines with fate in this riveting and historically rich novel about the journey of a woman from poverty to ultimate power in Revolution-era France.
In this first of three books inspired by the life of Josephine Bonaparte, Sandra Gulland has created a novel of immense and magical proportions. We meet Josephine in the exotic and lush Martinico, where an old island woman predicts that one day she will be queen. The journey from the remote village of her birth to the height of European elegance is long, but Josephine's fortune proves to be true. By way of fictionalized diary entries, we traverse her early years as she marries her one true love, bears his children, and is left betrayed, widowed, and penniless. It is Josephine's extraordinary charm, cunning, and will to survive that catapults her to the heart of society, where she meets Napoleon, whose destiny will prove to be irrevocably intertwined with hers.

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4 133
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