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The Unrivalled Spangles

Tekijä: Karen Wallace

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
331736,866 (3.4)-
The dramatic and colourful tale of the Spangles, a nineteenth century circus family, and their lives, loves, romances and rivalries against the backdrop of London town. The story follows Ellen, the ringmaster's daughter and one half of horse-riding duo The Incredible Scarletta Sisters, as she struggles to break with family tradition and get an education - and to hide her sister's secret romance with a rival circus owner's son... A beautifully written historical adventure, from the author of Wendy and Raspberries on the Yangtze.… (lisätietoja)

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Set in a circus in the 19th century, this is a wonderful story of Ellen and Lucy, the daughters of a ringmaster, who perform tricks on horseback for audiences under the stage name "The Amazing Scarletta Sisters". Ellen dreams of a better life - so much so that she has been paying a tutor to teach her to read latin and has extended the meagre learning she had as a child in the hope of becoming a governess. Lucy is content; loves her life and performing and is always trying to come up with another new, amazing trick to astound the audience. When a wealthy man falls for Ellen, it seems all her dreams will come true, but does she have "ideas above her station" and what will happen when Lucy tries a trick they have not practised in the arena - will there be tragic consequences that will crush all Ellen's hopes and dreams?
p.37- 40, Ellen starts receiving flowers and other expensive yet useless gifts. ( )
  nicsreads | Apr 25, 2007 |
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


The dramatic and colourful tale of the Spangles, a nineteenth century circus family, and their lives, loves, romances and rivalries against the backdrop of London town. The story follows Ellen, the ringmaster's daughter and one half of horse-riding duo The Incredible Scarletta Sisters, as she struggles to break with family tradition and get an education - and to hide her sister's secret romance with a rival circus owner's son... A beautifully written historical adventure, from the author of Wendy and Raspberries on the Yangtze.

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4 2
5 1

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